title | description | author | ms.localizationpriority | ms.subservice | doc_type |
metadataAction resource type |
Represents the metadata to be written or removed from a file. |
tommoser |
medium |
security |
resourcePageType |
Namespace: microsoft.graph.security
[!INCLUDE beta-disclaimer]
Represents the metadata to be written or removed from a file. metadataAction might be returned by the evaluateRemoval, evaluateApplication, and evaluateClassificationResults APIs. The action informs the consuming application of the specific key-value pairs that should be added to the file or the specific metadata keys that should be removed from the file. This metadata is what describes the file or information as being labeled.
Inherits from informationProtectionAction.
Property | Type | Description |
metadataToAdd | keyValuePair collection | A collection of key-value pairs that should be added to the file. |
metadataToRemove | String collection | A collection of strings that indicate which keys to remove from the file metadata. |
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.metadataAction",
"metadataToAdd": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.security.keyValuePair"
"metadataToRemove": [