Create a WebGL context right now!
This module is an extension of game-shell that creates a WebGL enabled canvas and adds it to the specified container.
//Initialize shell
var shell = require("gl-now")()
shell.on("gl-init", function() {
var gl =
//Create fragment shader
var fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
gl.shaderSource(fs, [
"void main() {",
"gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);",
//Create vertex shader
var vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER)
gl.shaderSource(vs, [
"attribute vec3 position;",
"void main() {",
"gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);",
var shader = gl.createProgram()
gl.attachShader(shader, fs)
gl.attachShader(shader, vs)
//Create buffer
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.createBuffer())
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
-1, 0, 0,
0, -1, 0,
1, 1, 0
//Set up attribute pointer
var position_attribute = gl.getAttribLocation(shader, "position")
gl.vertexAttribPointer(position_attribute, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0)
shell.on("gl-render", function(t) {
var gl =
//Draw arrays
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3)
shell.on("gl-error", function(e) {
throw new Error("WebGL not supported :(")
npm install gl-now
Options is an object that takes the same fields as in game-shell with the following additions:
a list of flags to clear on redraw. (Defaultgl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
a length 4 array representing background clear color. (Defaults to element's background-color or else[0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0]
value to clear depth buffer to (Defaults to1.0
value to clear stencil buffer to (Defaults to0
a list of necessary WebGL extensions to support. Vendor prefix optional. You can access these extensions later using webglewglOptions
on object containing a set of parameters which are passed to the webgl context directly.
In addition to all the events inherited from game-shell, gl-now
adds the following events:
Called once the WebGL context is initialized
Called at the start of the WebGL frame.
Called if there was an error initializing webgl
Called when the WebGL window is resized
Finally gl-now
adds the following extra properties to game-shell
The WebGL context
The canvas object
The width of the gl context
The height of the context
The scale of the context, which defaults to 1. Set it to higher values for a smaller viewport and faster rendering at the expense of quality.
A length 2 vector giving the current coordinate of the mouse on the screen
A length 2 vector giving the previous coordinate of the mouse on the screen
(c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License