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The mitosheet_helper_config package used by enterprises to configure the mitosheet package.


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Mitosheet Helper Config

This repository is home to the mitosheet_helper_config Python package, which is used to configure enterprise installations of the mitosheet package. Currently, the package allows you to configure the:

  • Support email

In the future, enterprises will have many additional configuration options. If you are an enterprise with a specific configuration request, let us know by opening an issue in the Mito monorepo or sending us an email.

This package should only be used with a valid Mito Enterprise liscence Mito. Learn more about Mito Enterprise here.

How this package works

The mitosheet_helper_config package is designed for admins to set the Mito configuration settings for your entire organization. This configuration system is designed to work seamlessly, no matter how you deliver Jupyter/Mito to your end users.

When the mitosheet_helper_config package is present in your users' environment, the mitosheet package will read the exported MITO_ENTERPRISE_CONFIGURATION dictionary from this package and update the settings accordingly.

Instructions for Admins

If you wish to deploy a custom Mito configuration to your users, follow the steps below.

1. Fork this repository

  • Fork this repository on Github
  • Edit the mito_helper_config/ file to set your enterprise settings
  • Push these changes to your Github fork

2. Make the modified config available to users

This package can be made available through a private PyPi mirror, or directly from Github. In either case, this package should be installable as a simple pip install.

Deploy this package to a private PyPi mirror

If you run a PyPi mirror to distribute packages to your users, follow the deploy instructions in

After doing this, the mitosheet_helper_config can be deployed to user enviornments like any other package. Simply add mitosheet_helper_config to requirements.txt file, or install it into a docker image like any other pip package.

Distribute package directly from your Github fork

Another option is just pip installing directly from Github. This works if all users have access to this Github repository, or if you are distributing a docker image that has access to this repository.

If you are distributing the package from Github, run the command: pip install git+<REPO_URL>#egg=mitosheet_helper_config, where you replace <REPO_URL> with the URL of the forked and updated package you created above. Ensure that the pip install will have the correct permissions to access this Github repository when it is being run.

3. Verify deployment worked

If you followed those instructions successfully, the settings should now be applied to Mito. Make sure it worked by:

  • Open a Jupyter instance where you use Mito
  • Restart your kernel and refresh your browser
  • Create a mitosheet
  • Click on the Get Support button in the top right hand corner of Mito
  • Make sure that Mito directs you to the email address you configured in the mitosheet_helper_config package.

Want help?

If you ran into any issues during that process, we're more than happy to help. If you have a Mito Enterprise license, you're probably talking to us already, so just shoot us an email, and we'll get you sorted.


The mitosheet_helper_config package used by enterprises to configure the mitosheet package.








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