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Marcel Kloubert edited this page Dec 30, 2017 · 5 revisions

Home >> Settings >> Execute on startup

Execute on startup

Lets execute shell commands on startup.

    "deploy.reloaded": {
        "executeOnStartup": [
            "npm install",
                "command": "composer install",
                "name": "My composer command"

Possible values

String (shell command)

The command to execute. Strings support placeholders.

    "deploy.reloaded": {
        "executeOnStartup": [
            "npm install",
            "npm install --save ${myRequiredNodeModule}"

        "values": {
            "myRequiredNodeModule": "node-simple-socket"

Object (settings)

    "deploy.reloaded": {
        "executeOnStartup": [
                "command": "npm install",
                "if": " !require('fs').existsSync( $v['workspaceroot'] + '/node_modules' ) "

                "command": "composer require ${myRequiredComposerPackage}",
                "name": "Install Composer pachage '${myRequiredComposerPackage}'"

        "values": {
            "myRequiredComposerPackage": "psr/log"
Name Description
command* The shell command to execute.
cwd* The custom working directory for the execution to use. Relative paths will be mapped to the root directory of the current workspace.
if (JavaScript) Code, which checks if command should be executed or not.
ignoreIfFail Continue if execution fails or not. Default: (false)
name* The custom (display) name.
noPlaceHolders Do not use placeholders in command property. Default: (false)

* supports placeholders

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