PsAzureDevOps provides a suite of PowerShell functions that help automate interaction with VisualStudio Online.
Install chocolatey (if you don't have it yet)
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Install PsAzureDevOps
From PsGallery
Install-Module -Name PsAzureDevOps
From Chocolatey
choco install PsAzureDevOps
Once installed all the cmdlets should be auto-loaded and ready to use. If not just run
Import-Module PsAzureDevOps
PsAzureDevOps contains several cmdlets to automate some common operations. You can see details of each one through normal PowerShell docs.
Get-MyWorkItems Gets the work items that are assigned to or created by you. Provides easy way to filter by open vs finished items.
Get-WorkItems Gets the work items given a query.
Open-WorkItems Opens work items in your web browser.
Takes a local git repo, creates a corresponding repo in your AzureDevOps project, adds that repo as a remote origin and pushes your local repo to it. -
Submit-PullRequest Submits a pull request
Get-Builds Gets a list of builds
Get-BuildCodeCoverage Gets the code coverage details for the specified build definition's latest successful build
Get-BuildArtifact Gets the specified build artifact for the specified build definition's latest successful build
Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Sets a config value for use in other PsAzureDevOps functions
Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Gets the config values