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Server Mode

Matthew Manela edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Chutzpah is able to run in two mode: Server and Local File. In local file mode, Chutzpah builds a test harness which references all files using local file path like file:///some/path.js. While this works it can lead to issues for some applications since everyone is writing their apps to run on a server. When server mode is enabled, Chutzpah launches a web server and servers your test files from there.

Configuring Server Mode

Field Default Description
Enabled false Determines if Chutzpah should run in Server mode or Local File mode.
DefaultPort 9876 The port to use for the server. If this port is taken Chutzpah will try incrementing until it finds an available one.
RootPath Drive Root The root path of the server. All file paths are relative to this and should be in a directory below or equal to this. Defaults to drive root.




 "Compile": {
   "Enabled": true

Enabled with custom port and root path


 "Compile": {
   "Enabled": true,
   "DefaultPort": 9999,
   "RootPath": "../../"