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mmaness edited this page Jan 11, 2013 · 5 revisions

A branch which modifies the question logic by redirecting the respondent to a specified question.


SingleBranch Name
  • Name - the name of the question that the survey's question execution will go to next, must follow the rules for constants (capitalized name)

Detailed Description

Trait Options



In the example below, a respondent who receives the NoVehicle question, will then proceed to the DepartTime question afterwards. The respondent will not see the HaveVehicle question.

Integer NoVehicle
  text "How long have you not owned a vehicle?"
  bounds 0

SingleBranch DepartTime

Integer HaveVehicle
  text "How long have you owned a vehicle?"
  bounds 0

TimeOfDay DepartTime
  text "What time did you depart for work today?" 

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