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mmaness edited this page Nov 15, 2011 · 2 revisions

A choice experiment trait (second-order) which add levels to an attribute.


add_level index, value
add_level index value
  • index - an integer index which represents the level
  • value - a value which corresponds to level, not shown to the respondent, possible used for data purposes
  • text_block - one or more strings which are shown when this level is to be shown in an experiment

Detailed Description

Trait Options


Can Be Used With:


ChoiceExperiment VacationChoice
  attribute Attractions
    attribute_label "Attractions"
    add_level 0, 0
    add_level 1, 1
      "Ski Resort"
  attribute Cost
    attribute_label "Trip Cost"
    add_level 0, 500
    add_level 1, 750
  attribute Nights
    attribute_label "Trip Length"
    add_level 0 3
      "3 Nights"
    add_level 1 5
      "5 Nights"

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