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Creating a New Application

dskaggs edited this page Jan 9, 2013 · 3 revisions

For our first application we will build a single CFC that translates a phrase into, well, something else. In this case, we'll start with pig latin.

The Quickstart and the Training materials all expect you to be using a current version of Model Glue. At this time, that is version 3.

All Model-Glue applications start by creating a new copy of the "application template." That's the directory named "modelglueapplicationtemplate" that came in your Model-Glue .zip.

To deploy a new copy of the template, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory called "translator" under your Web root.
  2. Copy the contents of the /modelglueapplicationtemplate directory to the /translator directory.
  3. Open /translator/config/ColdSpring.xml
  4. Do a find and replace, changing "modelglueapplicationtemplate" to "translator"
  5. Open /translator/config/ModelGlue.xml
  6. Do a find and replace, changing "modelglueapplicationtemplate" to "translator"
  7. Open /translator/Application.cfc
  8. Do a find and replace, changing "modelglueapplicationtemplate" to "translator"
  9. Open /translator/RemotingService.cfc
  10. Do a find and replace, changing "modelglueapplicationtemplate" to "translator"
  11. Browse to http://localhost/translator. You should get a message saying that "Model-Glue is up and running!" If you don't, and you can't figure out why, now's a good time to sign up for the Model-Glue Google Group and post a question.

Optionally, you can delete the following files:

  • /translator/Application.cfm
  • /translator/
  • /translator/build.xml
  • /translator/readme.txt

Note that Application.cfm is provided for those who do not wish to use Application.cfc. If you prefer to use Application.cfm, perform steps 7 and 8 using this file instead, and be sure to delete Application.cfc, as if it is present it will take precedence over Application.cfm.

Next: Quickstart 2: Modeling our Application

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