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@dennishendriksen dennishendriksen released this 10 Mar 12:51
· 26 commits to 3.0 since this release


Feature contents
M4585 Fair data point
M4714 Entity types and packages can be moved to other packages
M4832 REST API v2 endpoint to delete multiple entities
#5805 Improve RSQL readability in URL


issue contents
#3488 Remove duplicate OntologyService and OntologyServiceImpl
#3506 Ontology tree plugin reports error when loaded
#4530 Integration tests cannot build concurrently
#4741 Resetting your password in the Account plugin will: Error! No READ permission on entity MolgenisUser
#4827 Importer: importing vcf files with uppercase extension not working
#4952 Data explorer: genome browser not displaying all mutations
#5223 The molgenis.addAll(entityName, dataFrame) function in R is extremely slow
#5281 When trying to match full search term with double in dataexplorer search quotes an error occurs
#5248 Create specific immutable classes for QueryRules, to validate values properly
#5573 Sort errors: introduce Elasticsearch technical identifiers
#5632 Non-admin user cannot see entity report
#5674 DATE and DATE_TIME persisted with too much detail in PostgreSQL
#5711 User repository decorator delete issues
#5731 Maven warnings on clean install of parent project
#5718 Error selecting self-referencing entities after update
#5721 EMX label/lookup attribute selection when undefined
#5729 Importer in update mode always reports zero imported entities
#5736 molgenis.R api has garbled formatting
#5744 FDP endpoint doesn't strip parameters from the IRI
#5751 Send queries with nested attribute to index
#5757 Error message incorrect when when trying to delete ref entity
#5764 Restarting MOLGENIS not working
#5765 Entity type delete strange error
#5773 When deleting a row in the EntityType table, I get a RuntimeException: Unknown attribute for column name [fullName]
#5781 Javascript date format will not validate in Mapping service
#5789 Cannot delete an entity in the DataExplorer
#5805 RSQL encodes too many characters, making it harder to read than is strictly necessary
#5812 Cannot filter aggregates
#5824 JavaScript date return value cannot be converted
#5826 Mapping service: date mapping broken
#5838 Data explorer entity select shows name instead of label
#5839 Catalogue: display possible values for CATEGORICAL_MREF data items
#5842 REST API v1 and v2 transactionality
#5870 System attribute meta data can be updated at runtime
#5838 Data explorer entity select shows name instead of label

Breaking changes

Existing 1.x or 2.x versions of MOLGENIS are no longer compatible with 3.0 or higher