title | author | date | output | ||||||||
Assignment: Ch 11 |
Monikrishna Roy |
04/16/2021 (updated: 2021-05-11) |
f <- function(x, sigma) {
if (any(x < 0))
return (0)
stopifnot(sigma > 0)
return((x / sigma ^ 2) * exp(-x ^ 2 / (2 * sigma ^ 2)))
mc.drayleigh <- function(sigma) {
m <- 10000
x <- numeric(m)
x[1] <- rchisq(1, df = 1)
k <- 0
u <- runif(m)
for (i in 2:m) {
xt <- x[i - 1]
y <- rchisq(1, df = xt)
num <- f(y, sigma) * dchisq(xt, df = y)
den <- f(xt, sigma) * dchisq(y, df = xt)
if (u[i] <= num / den)
x[i] <- y
else {
x[i] <- xt
k <- k + 1 #y is rejected
# Example 11.1 with sigma = 4
y1 <- mc.drayleigh(4)
## [1] 4129
# Repeat example 11.1 with sigma = 2
y2 <- mc.drayleigh(2)
## [1] 5242
index <- 2000:5500
plot(index, y1[index], type = "l", main = "Sigma = 4", ylab = "x")
plot(index, y2[index], type = "l", main = "Sigma = 2", ylab = "x")
(\#fig:unnamed-chunk-1)Part of a chain generated by a Metropolis-Hastings sampler of a Rayleigh distribution with sigma = 4, and sigma = 2. Less efficient for sigma = 2, longer horizontal paths in the respective plot
# range
rbind('(sigma = 4)' = range(y1), "(sigma = 2)" = range(y2))
## [,1] [,2]
## (sigma = 4) 0.001554573 17.144108
## (sigma = 2) 0.119569700 8.767075
The rejection rate is about 30% (lower than that the example 11.1, suggesting higher acceptance and inefficient mixing).
gamm.dis <- function(sigma) {
m <- 10000
x <- numeric(m)
x[1] <- rgamma(1, 1, 1)
k <- 0
u <- runif(m)
for (i in 2:m) {
xt <- x[i - 1]
y <- rgamma(1, shape = xt, rate = 1)
num <- f(y, sigma) * dgamma(xt, shape = y, rate = 1)
den <- f(xt, sigma) * dgamma(y, shape = xt, rate = 1)
if (u[i] <= num / den)
x[i] <- y
else {
x[i] <- xt
k <- k + 1 #y is rejected
## gamma distribution with sigma = 4
y3 <- gamm.dis(4)
## [1] 3054
plot(index, y3[index], type = "l", main = "Sigma = 4", ylab = "x")
(\#fig:unnamed-chunk-2)Part of a chain generated by a Metropolis-Hastings sampler of a Gamma distribution with sigma = 4. The plot appears reasonable, and very much similar to its counterpart (with sigma = 4) in example 11.1
If we regard each hour of testing as a Bernoulli trial, then we have a total of $1524 + 73 + 16 + 21 = 418$ successes and five failures during the 24-hour test period for a total of
f.mu <- function(x) {
exp(-lbeta(419, 6) + 418 * log(x) - 418 * log(1 + x) - 6 * log(1 + x))
curve(f.mu(x), from=0, to=400, xlab="hours", ylab="")
fr <- function(x, y) {
a <- 418 * (log(y) - log(x))
b <- 424 * (log(1 + x) - log(1 + y))
return(exp(a + b))
# MCMC Metropolis-Hastings with gamma proposal
m <- 10000
x <- numeric(m)
a <- 4
x[1] <- rlnorm(1) #initialize chain
k <- 0
u <- runif(m)
for (i in 2:m) {
xt <- x[i - 1]
y <- rgamma(1, shape = a, rate = a / xt)
r <- fr(xt, y) * dgamma(xt, shape = a, rate = a / y) /
dgamma(y, shape = a, rate = a / xt)
if (u[i] <= r)
x[i] <- y
else {
x[i] <- xt
k <- k + 1 #y is rejected
k / m #proportion rejected
## [1] 0.3283
(\#fig:unnamed-chunk-4)Autocorrelation plots for MCMC chains simulating the posterior distribution of mean residual lifetime.
This chain with gamma shape parameter set to 4 appears to be mixing well based on the rejection rate
burnin <- m / 2
X <- x[-(1:burnin)]
prob = TRUE,
breaks = "scott",
xlab = bquote(psi),
main = "MCMC replicates using gamma proposal"
) -> h
curve(f.mu(x), add = TRUE)
i <- which.max(h$density) #estimating the mode
## [1] 75
q <- quantile(X, c(.025, .975), type = 1)
round(q, 1) #hours
## 2.5% 97.5%
## 39.9 234.1
HPDi <- function(x, prob = 0.95) {
## HPD interval for a single MCMC chain (a vector)
x <- sort(x)
n <- length(x)
m <- floor(prob * n)
i <- 1:(n - m)
L <- x[i + m] - x[i]
best <- which.min(L)
return (c(lower = x[best], upper = x[best + m]))
## lower upper
## 29.97845 199.08367
Code for a Gibbs sampler for the given binomial/beta construction with
df <- function (x, y) {
# general binomial coefficient
gamma(n + 1) / (gamma(x + 1) * gamma(n - x + 1)) * y^(x + a - 1) * (1 - y)^(n - x + b - 1)
gibbs.sam <- function(m, a, b, n) {
X <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = 2)
for (t in 2:m) {
y <- X[t - 1, 2]
X[t, 1] <- rbinom(1, size = n, y) #x|y~bin(n,y)
x = X[t, 1]
X[t, 2] <- rbeta(1, x + a, n - x + b) #y|x~beta(x+a,n-x+b)
m = 10000 #size of chain
b0 = 1000 #burn-in
a = 2
b = 3
n = 10
XYGibbs = gibbs.sam(m, a, b, n)
aftburn = b0 + 1
plot(XYGibbs[aftburn:m, ], xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y')
XYGibbs[aftburn:m, 2],
prob = T,
breaks = 'scott',
main = '',
xlab = 'y'
xGibbs = XYGibbs[aftburn:m, 1]
fx.hat = table(xGibbs) / length(xGibbs)
round(fx.hat, 3)
## xGibbs
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 0.063 0.114 0.141 0.146 0.143 0.126 0.101 0.078 0.051 0.029 0.009
space = 0,
ylim = c(0, 0.15),
xlab = "x",
ylab = 'marginal posterior',
main = ''
plot(XYGibbs, cex = 0.1)
xs = seq(from = min(XYGibbs[,1]), to = max(XYGibbs[,1]), length.out = 1000)
ys = seq(from = min(XYGibbs[,2]), to = max(XYGibbs[,2]), length.out = 1000)
zs = t(sapply(xs, function (x) sapply(ys, function (y) df(x, y))))
# plot contour of density for verification.
contour(xs, ys, zs, add = TRUE, col = 2)
The Gelman.Rubin function gives the G-R convergence diagnostic statistic for the MCMC chain. We see that our chains converge at
#Defining the function to calculate the G-R statistic
Gelman.Rubin <- function(psi){
# psi[i,j] is the statistic psi(X[i,1:j])
# for chain in i-th row of X
psi <- as.matrix(psi)
n <- ncol(psi)
k <- nrow(psi)
psi.means <- rowMeans(psi) #row means
B <- n * var(psi.means) #between variance est.
psi.w <- apply(psi, 1, "var") #within variances
W <- mean(psi.w) #within est.
v.hat <- W*(n-1)/n + (B/n) #upper variance est.
r.hat <- v.hat / W #G-R statistic
f <- function(x, sigma){ #function to evaluate the Rayleigh density
if (any(x < 0)) return (0)
stopifnot(sigma > 0)
return((x / sigma^2) * exp(-x^2 / (2*sigma^2)))
k <- 4 #number of chains to generate
sigma <- 4
x <- as.matrix(c(0.01, 2, 4, 6)) #initializing with overdispersed values
ral.chain <- function(x){ #defining a function to generate one iteration of the chains
xi <- numeric(nrow(x))
for(i in 1:length(xi)){
xt <- x[i, ncol(x)]
y <- rchisq(1, df = xt) #Using chi square as the proposal distribution
num <- f(y, sigma) * dchisq(xt, df = y)
den <- f(xt, sigma) * dchisq(y, df = xt)
u <- runif(1)
if (u <= num/den) xi[i] <- y else{
xi[i] <- xt #y is rejected
r.hat = 10
while(r.hat >= 1.2){ #continuing the chain till it converges
x <- ral.chain(x)
psi <- t(apply(x, 1, cumsum))
for (i in 1:nrow(psi))
psi[i,] <- psi[i,] / (1:ncol(psi))
r.hat <- Gelman.Rubin(psi)
b <- ncol(x)
cbind(b = b, r.hat = r.hat)
## b r.hat
## [1,] 1571 1.199845
#plot psi for the four chains
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (i in 1:k)
plot(psi[i, 1:b], type = "l", xlab = i, ylab = bquote(psi))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
#plot the sequence of R-hat statistics
rhat <- rep(0, b)
for (j in 1:b)
rhat[j] <- Gelman.Rubin(psi[, 1:j])
plot(rhat[1:b], type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "R")
abline(h = 1.1, lty = 2)
Using the coda package to check convergence by the G-R method
# now using the coda package to check convergence by the G-R method
x.mcmc <- mcmc.list(as.mcmc(x[1,]),as.mcmc(x[2,]),as.mcmc(x[3,]),as.mcmc(x[4,]))
## [[1]]
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## var1
## -2.004
## [[2]]
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## var1
## -0.727
## [[3]]
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## var1
## 1.766
## [[4]]
## Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
## Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
## var1
## 0.2362