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Little Logger

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Little_logger is a tiny, little logger for OCaml 💖, inspired by the Ruby Std-lib Logger.

Quick start

Print an error message to stderr.

open Little_logger
let () = Logger.error (fun () -> sprintf "something %s happened" "bad")
(* E, [2021-08-17 17:23:32 #102259] ERROR -- something bad happened *)

For more info, see the docs.


The api docs and examples are available on online.

It's quite simple though (< 100 LOC), so check out the source to see exactly how things work 🍨


license MIT or Apache 2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This program may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

See also

Here are some other lovely OCaml logging libraries that you may be interested in: