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How to install PellMon

Seth Yastrov edited this page May 6, 2018 · 21 revisions

You can install PellMon in two ways, the easy and recommended way is to install the debian package (.deb file), but you can also install using the source code.

Install the deb package

The gdebi program can install all dependencies automatically so it is the recommended way to install the package. If the gdebi command is missing you can install it with:

sudo apt-get install gdebi-core

You can download the .deb file from the releases page with your browser, or in the terminal using this command (check that the link matches the release you want to download, the example is for release 0.7.0):


Install the .deb file, for instance the 0.7.0 release:

sudo gdebi pellmon_0.7.0-1_all.deb

Some plugins have dependencies that are not installed by the .deb file. For instance pyownet that is used by the owfs plugin, and xtea that is used by the NBEcom plugin. Install them with sudo pip install pyownet and sudo pip install xtea if you are going to use the plugins.

PellMon is now installed, but it needs some configuration work:


The configuration consists of several files:


Open the configuration files with any text editor, for instance nano, to configure PellMon:

sudo nano /etc/pellmon/conf.d/database.conf
sudo nano /etc/pellmon/conf.d/enabled_plugins.conf
sudo nano /etc/pellmon/conf.d/plugins/scottecom.conf

or use the included configuration tool pellmonconf to edit the files in a webbrowser:

sudo pellmonconf 

Open http://yourip:8083 with your web browser to view the configuration tool, quit with CTRL-C.

The configuration files contains lots of comments and examples. The default configuration works as is for NBE pellet burners with a USB to serial adapter, so you might not have to change anything.


Restart pellmonsrv sudo service pellmonsrv restart and pellmonweb sudo service pellmonweb restart to activate the new configuration, or simply reboot.


Open the PellMon webinterface by visiting http://localhost:8081 or http://yourip:8081 in your browser. The port number can be changed in the configuration file webinterface.conf if 8081 is unsuitable.

Then what?

Check out the PellMon wiki for tips and tricks. If you for instance run PellMon on a raspberry pi it's a good idea to setup a ramdisk for the database do avoid wearing out the memory card.

Install from source

1. Get the dependencies

Install the all dependencies listed in the README file:

sudo apt-get install rrdtool python-serial python-cherrypy3 python-dbus python-mako python-gobject python-simplejson python-dateutil python-ws4py python-crypto autoconf

Plugin dependencies

If you are going to use the OWFS plugin you need the pyownet python module. It is not yet packaged in debian so you will have to get it from the python package index with pip:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install pyownet

2. Get PellMon

Get the master version in a zip file, and unpack it:

cd PellMon-master

Note that the wget command will not overwrite any file that you already have preset. If you already have a file called '' and try to download it again (as when you upgrade for instance) the new version will be called, or if that also exists and so on. Make sure you unzip the correct file.

Then follow the System Installation section in the README file