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Time schedule with cron and pellmoncli

Anders Nylund edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

Pellmon's command line interface pellmoncli can be used together with cron to automatically start and stop a scotte burner and change settings on a time schedule.

In this example, the burner is running between 6 and 10 on weekdays and between 8 and 12 on weekends and additionally between 16 and 20 every day.

* 6 * * 2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
* 10 * * 2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0
* 8 * * 0,6 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
* 12 * * 0,6 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0
* 16 * * * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
* 20 * * * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0

Crontab is a lot more flexible than this, so you could for instance use this scheme only in the summer (eg may-august), like this:

* 6 * 5,6,7,8 2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
* 10 * 5,6,7,8 2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0
* 8 * 5,6,7,8 0,6 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
* 12 * 5,6,7,8 0,6 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0
* 16 * 5,6,7,8 * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
* 20 * 5,6,7,8 * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0

Or to lower the boiler temperature instead of shutting it off:

* 6 * * 2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set boiler_temp_set 65
* 10 * * 2,3,4,5 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set boiler_temp_set 55
* 8 * * 0,6 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set boiler_temp_set 65
* 12 * * 0,6 /usr/bin/pellmoncli set boiler_temp_set 55
* 16 * * * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set boiler_temp_set 65
* 20 * * * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set boiler_temp_set 55

And you can specify the exact minute to run a command, eg Burner on every day at 16:30 and off at 20:15

30 16 * * * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_on 0
15 20 * * * /usr/bin/pellmoncli set burner_off 0

To set a crontab run the command 'sudo crontab -e' and paste the rows at the end of the file and save it.