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Anthony Hughes edited this page Nov 19, 2018 · 8 revisions

If you have problems installing or running Iris, we have provided two help scripts that can assist you in examining your environment. It is assumed that you have followed the instructions in the setup instructions and have run the bootstrap script successfully.

If you have been able to get that far, but still experience errors in Iris, start by running the script for system troubleshooting. If problems persist, continue with the script for Iris troubleshooting.

System troubleshooting

  1. Follow the setup instructions exactly. The bootstrap script must be run in order for all project dependencies to be installed.
  2. Run the bootstrap script again and reboot.
  3. Run the bash help script located in the root of the project:
cd ~
cd iris
cd tools
  1. Look for any errors in red that indicate a system misconfiguration and correct them.

Iris troubleshooting

  1. Close all instances of Firefox on your system before running Iris.
  2. Make sure keys such as capslock, numlock, and scroll lock are not toggled on.
  3. Review the setup document and make sure you've made any system-specific configurations required for your platform.
  4. With a new terminal instance, follow the command-line instructions in the setup document to create your virtualenv.
cd ~
cd iris
pipenv install
pipenv shell
  1. Once you have successfully set up the virtualenv, run the project help script:
cd tools
  1. Look for any errors in red that indicate a misconfiguration.

Some things you can do if you get errors in this script:

  • Exit the virtualenv by typing exit and set up the virtualenv once again.
  • Restart your terminal and/or computer.
  • Update to the latest version of Iris via git pull and try the above steps again.
  • Delete the local clone of Iris and start over.

Common Issues and Workarounds

pipenv install times out

pipenv install may timeout when trying to create Pipfile.lock, resulting in an error similar to the following:

Pipfile.lock not found, creating…
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/pipenv/2018.11.14/libexec/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/vendor/pexpect/", line 109, in expect_loop
    return self.timeout()
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/pipenv/2018.11.14/libexec/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/vendor/pexpect/", line 82, in timeout
    raise TIMEOUT(msg)
pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: <pexpect.popen_spawn.PopenSpawn object at 0x104cfc4e0>
searcher: searcher_re:
    0: re.compile('\n')

To work around this issue, wait a minute and try running pipenv install again.