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Useful examples

mwobensmith edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

While Iris can be configured via the Control Center, a developer likely wants to bypass this step and focus directly on a specific task. A complete list of arguments is provided and below are examples of common use cases.

Choosing tests and test packages:

  • iris firefox -t clear_all_history,history_sidebar

Run two tests: clear_all_history and history_sidebar.

  • iris firefox -d awesomebar,history,unit_tests

Run all tests in three test packages: awesomebar, history, and unit_tests.

  • iris firefox -t right_left_keys_in_awesomebar -d history

Run the test right_left_keys_in_awesomebar plus all tests in the history package.

  • iris firefox -d awesomebar -x open_url_in_tab

Run all tests in the package awesomebar except the test open_url_in_tab.

  • iris firefox -t right_left_keys_in_awesomebar -d history -x history_menu

Run the test right_left_keys_in_awesomebar plus all tests in the history package, except history_menu.

  • iris firefox -t empty -o

Run the test empty even though it is disabled.

  • iris firefox -d unit_tests -o

Run all tests in package unit_tests, including ones that are disabled.

Debugging an Iris test:

  • iris firefox -t clear_all_history -i DEBUG

Run the test clear_all_history and include all debug messages in the console. This generates a lot of potentially useful data.

  • iris firefox -t history_sidebar -b

Run the test history_sidebar and turn on the spotlight feature. This will draw a box or circle on screen - around a region, image, or location - when Iris encounters various commands. Useful for debugging image search problems.

  • iris firefox -t drag_space -m 2.0

Run the test drag_space but slow down the mouse movement dramatically to allow a closer inspection of the test flow. The above command forces each mouse movement to take 2 seconds, versus the default of 0.5 seconds.

  • iris firefox -t firefox_build_apis -s

Run the test firefox_build_apis and save the Firefox profile to disk for later inspection.