While developing use this to see debug statements in tests
RUST_LOG=boxx=debug cargo watch
# for individual tests
RUST_LOG=boxx=debug cargo watch "test test_mut_var"
# with backtrace
RUST_LOG=boxx=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo watch "test test_while_loop"
- adjust Decl to not require a seq
- create more helpers in parser
- go through and try to clean up clones() and derefs that aren't needed
- go through and think about statement vs block vs binop_expr, adjust usage and naming
- [easy] print statement
- [breaking] type coercion for bool to number
- [breaking] bike / mutable stack-like var binding
- [breaking] rename a bunch of files and crates
- [medium] Number type(s) beyond integer
- [easy] language-level exit command
- [medium] exponents **