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πŸ“— mrLuisFer's - Neovim Config

Neovim Preview

An explanation of how to use this config in Windows is in this video -

⚑ About

This is my personal config and adapted to my needs, but it can be easily adapted to any config, as well as separate vim files

This will be adapted for Windows and Linux systems And they will correct things in the future

🌱 Contribute

You can contribute by making a pull request with any fix or feature that you want to add :D

If you don't have an idea, you can follow these steps:

  • Fork the project (optional in case you have a permission error) Or clone it on your local machine

  • Create a new branch with:

    $ git checkout -b <new branch>
  • When you have all the changes you have:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "a description"
    $ git push origin <new branch>

And do a pull request to the main branch

πŸ“¦ Requirements

πŸ”₯ Important

For a good operation of this configuration and to take advantage of all the Plugins, we recommend you to use πŸ“— version 0.5 or higher that adds many improvements and support for many things

More information below:

πŸ¦„ Usage

When cloning the repository, in case the folder is named neovim-dotfiles, change the name to nvim so that Neovim recognizes it

πŸ“š Install Neovim:

For Windows run one of the two commands within powershell, you can use choco or scoop

$ scoop install neovim

# Or

$ choco install neovim -y

And for Linux and MacOs : neovim/wiki/Installing-Neovim

or see this custom gist, on how to install Neovim on different Linux distributions:

Also you need install python neovim support.

$ sudo apt-get install python3-neovim

$ pip install pynvim

πŸŒ™ Install Manager:

In this config use packer to handle and install plugins.

To install Packer.nvim you can run any of these commands

Linux, Unix

git clone --depth 1\

If you use Arch Linux, there is also an AUR package.

Windows (Powershell)

git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\packer\start\packer.nvim"

More information about vim plug:

πŸ“˜ Setup Windows:

$ cd %APPDATA\Local\nvim

If you don't have the nvim folder do this: (if you have it, ignore this step)

$ mkdir nvim

$ cd nvim

If you want to test another branch, change main to to the name of the branch you want to test

But the main branch is so to speak the stable version

$ git clone -b main .

# "Cloned the configuration :D"

🐧 Setup Linux:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.config/nvim

$ cd $HOME/.config/nvim

$ git clone -b main .

# "Cloned the configuration :D"

🍎 Setup MacOs:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.config/nvim

$ cd $HOME/.config/nvim

$ git clone -b main .

# "Cloned the configuration :D"

🌈 Colorschemes

If you do not like the color that comes by default, you can execute the command inside neovim: :colorscheme + TAB and you will see a list of themes that you can select

When you find one you like, go to init.vim and search with neovim /colorscheme and write down the name of the theme you want to use.

πŸ“¦ LSP Config

What's LSP?

In this configuration use lspconfig And Lsp-Installer for install lsp languages -> williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer

Inside neovim run the following command:

:LspInstall tsserver <language>

Or :LspInstallInfo for see the languages or u can press TAB

πŸ₯ Insall Lua

For some plugins or extensions that require Lua, it is advisable to have the Lua language and Luarocks installed

And install Lua-lsp

$ luarocks install --server= lua-lsp

⚠ Warning

It may be that when you enter the cloned configuration in nvim for the first time, you will get multiple errors

But don't worry just press Enter and run this command :PlugInstall Several plugins will be downloaded, then exit and enter neovim again

πŸ™ Change Repository

If you want to change the repository using this config, but with your own configurations and / or adapt to your needs

Another way is by changing the git-remote, following these steps:

  • To see the list of remotes that are in the repository
$ git remote -v
  • To remove that remote, run:
$ git remote remove origin
  • And add the new remote from your repository
$ git remote add origin <url del repo>

πŸ“” Vim Dashboard

vim Dashboard

If you want neovim to show you a dashboard screen similar to this one, you need certain things

The most important is that you need Neovim 0.5 or higher

You also need Ripgrep, this is for the operation of search engines for files, words, history, etc.

You also need to have FZF installed, this is already included in the configuration but if it shows you an error you can read the documentation

An alternative that you can use is Vim Clap, it also comes inside the config but you can check its documentation

And obviously you can check out the original repository from vim dashboard creator

βš™ RipGrep

To install RipGrep on your pc you can use one of the following commands

If you're a macOS Homebrew or a Linuxbrew user, then you can install ripgrep from homebrew-core:

🍎 MacOs

$ brew install ripgrep

If you're a MacPorts user, then you can install ripgrep from the official ports:

$ sudo port install ripgrep

πŸ“˜ Windows

If you're a Windows Chocolatey user, then you can install ripgrep from the official repo:

$ choco install ripgrep

If you're a Windows Scoop user, then you can install ripgrep from the official bucket:

$ scoop install ripgrep

🐧 Linux

If you're an Arch Linux user, then you can install ripgrep from the official repos:

$ pacman -S ripgrep

If you're a Gentoo user, you can install ripgrep from the official repo:

$ emerge sys-apps/ripgrep

If you're a Fedora user, you can install ripgrep from official repositories.

$ sudo dnf install ripgrep

If you're an openSUSE user, ripgrep is included in openSUSE Tumbleweed and openSUSE Leap since 15.1.

$ sudo zypper install ripgrep

If you're a RHEL/CentOS 7/8 user, you can install ripgrep from copr:

$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=
$ sudo yum install ripgrep

If you're a Nix user, you can install ripgrep from nixpkgs:

$ nix-env --install ripgrep
$ # (Or using the attribute name, which is also ripgrep.)

If you're a Debian user (or a user of a Debian derivative like Ubuntu), then ripgrep can be installed using a binary .deb file provided in each ripgrep release.

$ curl -LO
$ sudo dpkg -i ripgrep_12.1.1_amd64.deb

If you run Debian Buster (currently Debian stable) or Debian sid, ripgrep is officially maintained by Debian.

$ sudo apt-get install ripgrep

If you're an Ubuntu Cosmic (18.10) (or newer) user, ripgrep is available using the same packaging as Debian:

$ sudo apt-get install ripgrep

If you're a FreeBSD user, then you can install ripgrep from the official ports:

# pkg install ripgrep

If you're an OpenBSD user, then you can install ripgrep from the official ports:

$ doas pkg_add ripgrep

If you're a NetBSD user, then you can install ripgrep from pkgsrc:

# pkgin install ripgrep

If you're a Haiku x86_64 user, then you can install ripgrep from the official ports:

$ pkgman install ripgrep

If you're a Haiku x86_gcc2 user, then you can install ripgrep from the same port as Haiku x86_64 using the x86 secondary architecture build:

$ pkgman install ripgrep_x86

If you're a πŸ¦€ Rust programmer, ripgrep can be installed with cargo.

  • Note that the minimum supported version of Rust for ripgrep is 1.34.0, although ripgrep may work with older versions.
  • Note that the binary may be bigger than expected because it contains debug symbols. This is intentional. To remove debug symbols and therefore reduce the file size, run strip on the binary.
$ cargo install ripgrep

If your OS doesn't appear, you can search the official repository

Made with πŸ’™ by mrLuisFer