miscellaneous gpl v3 supercollider code that doesn't have a particular home yet
- amixer-gui - a GUI frontend for amixer (Linux CLI to adjust ALSA volume settings)
- bjorklund - euclidean rhythm generator function
- device_select - beginnings of a gui to control input/output device params
- loadall - scd directory loader/evaluator
- looping-in-synthdef - example of using a function with a looping control structure to make a synthdef
- lpd81 - starting efforts at playing with a akai lpd8
- class-list-to-text - one-liner to write all installed classes to a text file (for use in emac's auto-complete plugin for instance)
- fx-chain - some ideas for effects chaining
- note-to-midi - converts note names (symbols or strings) to midinotes
- patterns-misc - miscellaneous notes on patterns (grouping parameters in Pbinds, embedding Pbinds in larger patterns, making random-length patterns using them to have slower-moving patterns)
- polyinstr - snippet by h. james harkins (hjh/ddw) lifted from the sc-users list to handle multiple instruments controlled by one pattern. here for archival purposes.
- sending-osc-from-synthdef - example of sending osc out from a synthdef (indirectly)
- spatialization - borrowed from Daniel Mayer, notes on writing SynthDefs for spatialization
- taptempo - a taptempo GUI window;