Dockerized versions of unluac for decompiling luac files from wherigo containers regardless of the execution environment.
Currently, dockerizes an old binary version unluac_2015_06_13.jar
in two ways:
a dockerfile for creating 'standard' docker image that- reads input (luac file to decompile) from bind-mount and
- prints results to STDOUT
a dockerfile (based on unloac-docker) for creating "function-as-a-service" docker image where unluac is wrapped with OpenFaas's function watchdog to- read input (luac file to decompile) from HTTP POST request
- send results to HTTP POST response
The purpose is to make it easy to decompile luac files extracted from wherigo containers regardless of the execution environment.
cd unluac-docker && docker build -t mrummuka/unluac-docker .
docker run --rm -v /path/to/luacdir/:/data mrummuka/unluac-docker:latest
Note: unluac-docker expects to find cartridge.luac
in /path/to/luacdir/
cd unluac-docker-faas && docker build -t mrummuka/unluac-docker-faas .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 mrummuka/unluac-docker-faas:latest
`curl -XPOST --data-binary @cartridge.luac localhost:8080 -o output.file`
- Unluac: unluac-docker/unluac_licence.txt
- fwatchdog: unluac-docker-faas/openfaas_licence.txt