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fmAutoMate HotKeys

Russell Watson edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 22 revisions


fmAutoMate has a selection of keyboard shortcuts - Hot Keys - to give you instant access to its most powerful and prolific features and functions.

This not only brings the power of fmAutoMate's script workspace context menu to your fingertips & keyboard, but also opens up fmAutoMate's functions to all areas of the FileMaker development environment.

For example, to quickly patch code over virtually any remote connection

  • with ⌃⌘ C you can Xopy any copiable FileMaker object straight to the clipboard as XML
  • and then on a remote computer with ⌃⌘ V you can PaXte it directly into a deployed database

Moreover, with ⌃⌘ K you can pop up fmAutoMate's Extended HotKey dialog anywhere in the FileMaker GUI to apply powerful functions to Layouts, field definitions, even calculation text.

Memorable HotKeys

fmAutoMate's HotKeys have been designed to

  • be easy to remember
  • harmonise with other apps & Hot Keys
  • maximise your productivity

fmAutoMate has four combinations of modifier key it uses

For Action Use Modifier Keys
Main HotKeys ⌃⌘ control + command + key
Extended HotKeys ⌃⌘ K control + command + K, then some more keys
Navigation HotKeys ⌃⇧ control + shift + key
Seldom Hot>Keys ⌃⌥⌘ control + option + command + key


Symbol Key

fmAutoMate Main HotKeys ⌃⌘

fmAutoMate uses ⌃⌘ (control + command) for its main HotKey actions:


Press For In order to fmAutoMate menu path
⌃⌘ X Xut Cut and convert to XML Clipboard > Xut
⌃⌘ C Xopy Copy and convert to XML Clipboard > Xopy
⌃⌘ V PaXte Convert from XML and paste Clipboard > PaXte
⌃⌘ F Find Search for a term Find and Replace > Find
⌃⌘ G Find again Search for the same term again Find & Replace > Find Again Forwards
⇧⌃⌘ G Find again backwards Search for the same term again backwards Find & Replace > Find Again Backwards
⌃⌘ A Find & Replace All in XML Show dialog to search & replace in the XML of the selection Find & Replace > Find & Replace ALL in XML
⇧⌃⌘ A Find & Replace All in XML again Search & replace in the XML of the selection again Find & Replace > Find & Replace ALL in XML AGAIN
⌃⌘ H Insert History Insert a history step in your script Code > Insert > History
⌃⌘ P Insert Pseudocode Enter Pseudocode in a dialog Code > Insert > Pseudocode
⌃⌘ M Multiply code * clipboard Multiply the selected code by the clipboard contents Code > Multiply > Multiply…
⌃⌘ S Save a code snippet Save the selected item as a snippet to Documents/fmAutoMate/Snippets Code > Snippet > Save
⌃⌘ L Load a code snippet Load a snippet from Documents/fmAutoMate/Snippets Code > Snippet > Load
⌃⌘ O Open subscript Opens the selected subscript (needs fmIDE) fmIDE > Open Script
⌃⌘ U Open URL Open a URL (under review)
⌃⌘ F12 Repeat Repeats the last action again (under review) fmAutoMate > Repeat Last Function
⌃⌘ K HotKeys Show the HotKeys menu HotKeys > Extended HotKeys

fmAutoMate Extended HotKeys ⌃⌘ K

To show fmAutoMate's Extended HotKey Dialog press ⌃⌘ K

You can then choose a function with the mouse, or by typing an action's shortcut characters.

For example:

In this context Press In order to
When cursor is in a field ⌃⌘ K then c c c copy the current column
After copying a multi-line text ⌃⌘ K then v 1 paste the next line of the clipboard
After copying a multi-line text ⌃⌘ K then v v paste the next line of the clipboard including a return

fmAutoMate's Navigation HotKeys ⌃⇧

fmAutoMate uses ⌃⇧ (control + shift) for its navigation HotKey actions, focussing mostly on the - easily reachable - group of keys on the left of the keyboard: fmAutoMate_navigation_shortcuts_800-min

Press For In order to
⌃⇧ W Window navigation Search for & select the window you need
⌃⇧ 1 Navigate to window #1 Activate / jump to / deactivate the main window
⌃⇧ 2 Navigate to window #2 Toggle between the front two windows
⌃⇧ 3 Navigate to window #3 Rotates the front three windows
⌃⇧ Q Quick layout navigation Quickly search for & select the layout you need
⌃⇧ A Navigate to fmAutoMate file Re-open the fmAutoMate file
⌃⇧ O Navigate to Layout Object Search for & select the layout object you need (IN DEV)
⌃⇧ F Navigate to Layout Field Search for & select the layout field you need (IN DEV)

fmAutoMate Seldom Action HotKeys ⌃⌥⌘

fmAutoMate uses ⌃⌥⌘ (control + option + command) for its seldom (mostly inter-app) HotKey actions:


fmAutomate's HotKeys 18.10.2022

This is a snapshot of fmAutomate's HotKeys 18.10.2022.

Note: HotKeys may change, we are still reviewing the landscape.


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