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Jamie's talk and small changes to infrastructure to display it
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fredrikNordvallForsberg committed Dec 5, 2016
1 parent a7a22b3 commit 8eb3252
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Showing 3 changed files with 60 additions and 39 deletions.
91 changes: 54 additions & 37 deletions OneOhOne.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Data.Array((!))
import Text.Regex.PCRE -- cabal install regex-pcre

-- HTML utils
-- HTML utils

nl2br :: String -> String
nl2br [] = []
Expand All @@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ nl2br (x:xs) = x:(nl2br xs)

createLink :: String -> String -> String
createLink [] name = name
createLink url name = "<a href='" ++ url ++ "'>" ++ name ++ "</a>"
createLink ref name = "<a href='" ++ ref ++ "'>" ++ name ++ "</a>"

bracket :: String -> String
bracket str = if null str then "" else " (" ++ str ++ ")"

wordwrap :: Int -> String -> String -> String
wordwrap maxlen div = (wrap_ 0) . words where
wrap_ _ [] = ""
wrap_ pos (w:ws)
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ wordwrap maxlen div = (wrap_ 0) . words where

-- Text.Regex.PCRE does not implement subRegex, so we copy
-- the code from Text.Regex (which does not handle non-greedy matches)
-- (a module system for Haskell, anyone?)
-- (a module system for Haskell, anyone?)
subRegex :: Regex -- ^ Search pattern
-> String -- ^ Input string
-> String -- ^ Replacement text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,41 +76,58 @@ subRegex regexp inp repl =

-- quick and dirty regexp translation of some HTML to its textual representation
html2text :: String -> String
html2text s = foldl' (\ t (p , r) -> subRegex (makeRegex p) t r) s
html2text s = foldl' (\ t (p , r) -> subRegex (makeRegex p) t r) s $
[("<em>(.*?)</em>", "*\\1*"), -- bold
("<strong>(.*?)</strong>", "*\\1*"),
("<b>(.*?)</b>", "*\\1*"),
("<b>(.*?)</b>", "*\\1*"),
("<i>(.*?)</i>", "/\\1/"), -- italic
("<dfn>(.*?)</dfn>", "/\\1/"),
("<br/>|<br>", "\n"), -- line breaks
("<p>(.*?)</p>", "\\1\n\n"), -- paragraph breaks
("<a\\s+href\\s*=\\s*[\"'](.*?)[\"']>\\1</a>", "\\1"), -- links
("<a\\s+href\\s*=\\s*[\"'](.*?)[\"']>(.*?)</a>", "\\2 (\\1)"),
("<ul>", "\n"), -- lists
("</ul>", ""),
("<li>(.*?)</li>", "* \\1\n"),
("<div\\s+class\\s*=\\s*[\"']centered[\"']>(.*)</div>", " \\1 \n"), -- centered text
("&nbsp;", " "), -- escape characters
("&ndash;", "--"),
("&mdash;", "--"),
("&mdash;", "--"),
("&sup2;", "^2"),
("&sup3;", "^3"),
("&sup3;", "^3"),
("&frac12;", "1/2"),
("&ouml;", "ö"),
("&auml;", "ä"),
("&aring;", "å"),
("&lt;", "<"),
("&aring;", "å"),
("&lt;", "<"), -- math
("&gt;", ">"),
("&amp;", "&"),
("&and;", "and"),
("&or;", "or"),
("&isin;", "in"),
("&notin;", "not in"),
("&not;", "not"),
("&empty;", "empty"),
("&forall;", "forall"),
("&exist;", "exist"),
("&rarr;", "->"),
("&larr;", "<-"),
("&harr;", "<->"),
("&harr;", "<->"),
("&rArr;", "=>"),
("&lArr;", "<="),
("&hArr;", "<=>")
("&hArr;", "<=>")
] ++
[ ("&" ++ letter ++ ";", letter) | -- greek letters
letter <- [ "Gamma", "Delta", "Theta", "Lambda",
"Xi", "Pi", "Sigma", "Phi", "Psi",
"Omega", "alpha", "beta", "gamma",
"delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "eta",
"theta", "iota", "kappa", "lambda",
"mu", "nu", "xi", "pi", "rho", "sigma",
"tau", "phi", "psi", "omega" ] ]

-- Generate web pages, calendars and a RSS feed for MSP 101 from data in
-- Generate web pages, calendars and a RSS feed for MSP 101 from data in
-- a text file

-- Extra material, such as slides, source code, ...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,7 +180,7 @@ data Talk = Talk {
abstract :: String,
location :: String,
material :: [Material]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

Expand All @@ -188,43 +205,43 @@ generateRSS ts out = do
abstr = if (null abstract) then "" else "<p><b>Abstract</b><br/><br/>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</p>"
desc = unlines ["<h2>" ++ (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ (bracket (createLink insturl inst)) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ location ++ "</b><br/>"]
unlines [" <item>",
unlines [" <item>",
" <title>" ++ rsstitle ++ "</title>",
" <description><![CDATA[" ++ desc ++ "]]></description>",
" <guid isPermaLink='true'>" ++ (show i) ++ "</guid>",
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location))
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ " Departmental seminar " ++ ": " ++ speaker ++ bracket inst
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ " Departmental seminar " ++ ": " ++ speaker ++ bracket inst
abstr = if (null abstract) then "" else "<p><b>Abstract</b><br/><br/>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</p>"
desc = unlines ["<h2>" ++ (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ (bracket (createLink insturl inst)) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ location ++ "</b><br/>"]
unlines [" <item>",
unlines [" <item>",
" <title>" ++ rsstitle ++ "</title>",
" <description><![CDATA[" ++ desc ++ "]]></description>",
" <guid isPermaLink='true'>" ++ (show i) ++ "</guid>",
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(SpecialEvent date title url location locationurl description))
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ ": " ++ title
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(SpecialEvent date title url location locationurl description))
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ ": " ++ title
abstr = if (null description) then "" else "<p>" ++ (nl2br description) ++ "</p>"
desc = unlines ["<h2>" ++ (createLink url title) ++ (bracket location) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ (createLink locationurl location) ++ "</b><br/>"]
unlines [" <item>",
unlines [" <item>",
" <title>" ++ rsstitle ++ "</title>",
" <description><![CDATA[" ++ desc ++ "]]></description>",
" <guid isPermaLink='true'>" ++ (show i) ++ "</guid>",
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(BasicTalk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)) = processEntry (i, (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl ("MSP 101: " ++ title) abstract location material)) -- for now

generateICS :: [(Int,Talk)]
-> FilePath -- ^ Output path
-> IO ()
Expand All @@ -240,7 +257,7 @@ generateICS ts out = do
= let desc = escape $ html2text $ unlines ["Speaker: " ++ speaker ++ " " ++ (bracket inst), "Title: " ++ title ++ "\n", abstract]
end = addUTCTime (60*60::NominalDiffTime) date
in (desc, end, date, location, title, "")
gatherData (DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location)
gatherData (DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location)
= let desc = escape $ html2text $ unlines ["Speaker: " ++ speaker ++ " " ++ (bracket inst), "Title: " ++ title ++ "\n", abstract]
end = addUTCTime (60*60::NominalDiffTime) date
in (desc, end, date, location, title, "Departmental seminar: ")
Expand All @@ -255,13 +272,13 @@ generateICS ts out = do
escape ('\n':xs) = "\\n" ++ (escape xs)
escape (';':' ':xs) = "\\; " ++ (escape xs)
escape (',':' ':xs) = "\\, " ++ (escape xs)
escape (x:xs) = x:(escape xs)
escape (x:xs) = x:(escape xs)
processEntry now (i,x)
= let (desc, end, date, location, title, kindEvent) = gatherData x
unlines ["BEGIN:VEVENT",
"DTSTAMP;TZID=Europe/London:" ++ (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" now),
"DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:" ++ (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" date),
"DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:" ++ (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" date),
"DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:" ++ (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" $ end),
"LOCATION:" ++ location,
wordwrap 73 "\n " $ "SUMMARY:" ++ kindEvent ++ title,
Expand All @@ -286,13 +303,13 @@ generateHTML ts out = do
previous = if null previousTalks then "" else unlines ["<h2>List of previous talks</h2>",
"<dl>", concatMap processEntry previousTalks, "</dl>"]

header = unlines ["### default.html(section.msp101=current,headtags=<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='MSP101 seminars RSS feed' href='/msp101.rss'/>)",
"<!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY — EDIT OneOhOneTalks.hs AND RUN Generate101.hs INSTEAD -->",
"<p>MSP101 is an ongoing series of informal talks by visiting academics or members of the MSP group. The talks are usually Wednesday mornings 11am in room LT1310 in Livingstone Tower. They are usually announced on the <a href=''>msp-interest</a> mailing-list. The list of talks is also available as a <a type='application/rss+xml' href='/msp101.rss'><img src='/images/feed-icon-14x14.png' alt='feed icon'>RSS feed</a> and as a <a href='msp101.ics'>calendar file</a>.</p>"]
writeFile out (header ++ upcoming ++ previous)
where processEntry (i,(Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material))
where processEntry (i,(Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material))
= let time = if utctDayTime date == timeOfDayToTime (TimeOfDay 11 0 0) then (showGregorian $ utctDay date) else (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M" date)
place = if location == "LT1310" then "" else (bracket location)
person = if null inst then (createLink speakerurl speaker)
Expand All @@ -309,24 +326,24 @@ generateHTML ts out = do
"<b>Material</b><ul>" ++
(concatMap (\ x -> "<li>" ++ (pMat x) ++ "</li>")
material) ++ "</ul>"
unlines [" <dt id='" ++ (show i) ++ "'>" ++ dt ++ "</dt>",
" <dd>" ++ (nl2br abstract)
++ (nl2br mat) ++ "</dd>"]
processEntry (i,(DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location))
processEntry (i,(DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location))
= let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M" date
place = bracket location
person = if null inst then (createLink speakerurl speaker)
else (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ ", " ++ (createLink insturl inst)
dt = time ++ " " ++ (createLink "" "Departmental seminar") ++ " " ++ place ++ ": " ++ title ++ (bracket person)
unlines [" <dt id='" ++ (show i) ++ "'>" ++ dt ++ "</dt>",
" <dd>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</dd>"]
" <dd>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</dd>"]
processEntry (i,(SpecialEvent date title url location locationurl description))
= let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" date
dt = time ++ ": " ++ (createLink url title)
++ (bracket (createLink locationurl location))
unlines [" <dt id='" ++ (show i) ++ "'>" ++ dt ++ "</dt>",
" <dd>" ++ (nl2br description) ++ "</dd>"]
processEntry (i,(BasicTalk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)) = processEntry (i,(Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl ("MSP 101: " ++ title) abstract location material)) -- for now
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions OneOhOneTalks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ talks = reverse $ zipWith (,) [(0::Int)..] $ reverse [
institute = "Heriot-Watt",
speakerurl = "",
insturl = "",
title = "TBA",
abstract = "",
title = "Nominal filters and semantics of predicate logic",
abstract = "A <dfn>filter</dfn> P is a consistent deductively closed set of predicates. A filter is <dfn>prime</dfn> when\n<div class='centered'>(&phi; &or; &psi;) &isin; P &rArr; (&phi; &isin; P &or; &psi; &isin; P)</div>In words: if phi-or-psi is in P then phi is in P or psi is in P. Primeness gives soundness for disjunction.\n\nUsing this it is not hard to construct a semantics to propositional logic in which a predicate &phi; \"means\" the set of prime filters containing it. This is a standard \"trick\" for building semantics and is an extremely useful proof-method.\n\nI have developed a semantics for predicate logic and also for the lambda-calculus based on similar notions of filter, but in a <i>nominal</i> context --- meaning that filters are developed using Fraenkel-Mostowski (FM) set theory instead of Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) set theory. What matters here is that FM sets have additional name structure over ZF sets, and this additional structure can be exploited to give semantics to the extra structure that predicates have over propositions, and in particular the additional name structure lets us write down primeness conditions for soundness for universal quantification.\n\nThe resulting semantics is rich and interesting. In a sentence: nominal techniques help us to extend the notion of Stone representation and duality from propositional logic to full first-order logic (also with equality, if we wish, and also to other logics and calculi with variables and quantifiers).\n\nI will give a detailed description of the filter-style conditions involved, and discuss some of what I think they tell us about predicates and quantification in logic and computation. More information can also be found in two papers here:\n<a href=''></a>\n<a href=''></a>",
location = "LT1310",
material = [] }
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions css/style.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,3 +199,7 @@ tr.even
tr.odd td, tr.even td

{ text-align:center;

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