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Server Upgrade Guide

Carl Smith edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Quickly stop, start, and re-start Conforma instances on pre-configured servers.

For a detailed overview of the processes that these scripts automate, please see Demo Server Guide

Upgrade Conforma on a server

  • Login (with SSH) to the server
  • Set the tag of the latest build Docker image:
    export TAG='<build-tag>
    • If $TAG is not specified, you will be prompted for it when launching
  • Relaunch whichever instances you want to upgrade to this build:
    launch_conforma <instance-names, ...>
    e.g. launch_conforma 50000 50004
    • The "instance-names" must correspond to a pre-configured .env file found in ~/demo_server/env_files
    • If instances are omitted, you will be prompted for one, or you can let it use a pre-configured default
    • The launch script will automatically pull the build image from Docker hub if not already present, and stop the instance before re-launching if it's already running.
  • To stop an instance (without re-starting):
    stop_conforma <instance-names, ...>

Please see the script files and (/docker/demo_server in repo) to see what they're doing.

Configure a new server

How to set up server in order for the above commands to work:

  • Ensure server has the latest version of Docker installed, and nginx has been configured as per the Demo Server Guide
  • If it doesn't already exist, create a directory demo_server in the home folder:
    mkdir ~/demo_server
  • In the demo_server directory, create the following files and make sure their contents match the ones in docker/demo_server from this repo.
    • docker-compose.yml
  • If you want, you can change (or remove) the DEFAULT_INSTANCE value in and
  • Create directory: ~/demo_server/env_files
  • In that directory, create an .env for each instance of Conforma you want to have running on this server. The name of the file is what you will pass into the launch commands from the earlier section.
    e.g. 50000.env, fiji_demo.env, etc...
  • Populate each of the .env files with the following (example) environment variables:
    • PORT, SMTP_PASSWORD & WEB_HOST are required; the other two are optional as they have default values.
    • see the Demo Server Guide for specifics of what these variables refer to.
  • Lock down the permissions on all the above .env files -- because they contain sensitive information, we want them to be as inaccessible as possible:
    sudo chown root:root <file> #Make "root" the owner
    sudo chmod 700 <file> #Only owner(root) can access
  • Create command aliases for the launch/stop scripts and add them to the bash configuration:
    • Edit config file: nano ~/.bashrc
    • Add the following lines:
    alias launch_conforma='sudo -E ~/demo_server/'
    export launch_conforma
    alias stop_conforma='sudo ~/demo_server/'
    export stop_conforma
    Note: the sudo is required so the scripts have access to the .env files (which are restricted to root), and the -E flag ensures the active $TAG environment variable is accessible