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Pybind11 bindings for openFABMAP as well as conversions to allow pre-loaded images as numpy arrays to be fed into the FABMAP API.

This repository was initially forked from openfabmap-python but pybind11 was selected to replace boost-python due to Python2 reaching end of life.


The major requirement is:

  • OpenCV, with nonfree additions

Other requirements, such as openFABMAP, pybind11, and opencv-ndarray-conversion are managed as git submodules.



There is a pre-built docker image available: This can be pulled from the registery using

docker pull matthewgadd/openfabmap-python3:latest

and run using

docker run --rm -it matthewgadd/openfabmap-python3:latest

Or alternatively, from within the directory /path/to/openfabmap-python3/src/docker, you can build the docker image from scratch:

docker build -t matthewgadd/openfabmap-python3:latest .

From source

OpenCV needs to be installed separately. Once that is done, configure the install for your preferred python version.

git clone --recurse-submodules src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake  ../src -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/bin/python3.7
make -j

## Path

For the docker solution, path has already been set. Otherwise, when installing from source:

export PYTHONAPTH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/openfabmap-python3/build/lib

Test installation

Test the installation and path setup were successful as follows:

python -c "import openfabmap_python3"

Usage Instructions

Loading the bindings

Open an interactive python session from within the installation directory for this library:

cd build/lib

Then, the binding module can be imported:

>>> import openfabmap_python3 as of


The wrapper methods are configured by a Python dictionary, an example of which is shown below:

>>> SETTINGS = dict()
>>> SETTINGS["VocabTrainOptions"] = dict()
>>> SETTINGS["VocabTrainOptions"]["ClusterSize"] = 0.45

Image Manipulation

You have a variety of options in delegating image manipulation and feature extraction to OpenCV's native C++ methods or precomputed from your Python routine. In the first case (where for example you are adding a training image to the vocabulary builder):

>>> png_file = "example.png"
>>> vb.load_and_add_training_image(png_file)

In the second case (once again adding a training image to the vocabulary) we use the numpy array convertors of opencv-ndarray-conversion:

>>> from PIL import Image
>>> png_file = "example.png"
>>> img =
>>> vb.add_training_image(img)

This functionality allows image manipulation in Python prior to feature extraction (e.g. cropping, rotating, etc), or even feature extraction in Python, as follows:

>>> import cv2
>>> import numpy as np
>>> orb = cv2.ORB_create(nfeatures=1500)
>>> _, descriptors = orb.detectAndCompute(cv2.imread(png_file, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE), None)
>>> vb.add_training_descs(np.asarray(descs))

Building a vocabulary

The wrapper for building a vocabulary is configured and initialised using a dictionary:

>>> vb = of.VocabularyBuilder(SETTINGS)

Then, add a number of images to the vocabulary using add_training_image, load_and_add_training_image, add_training_descs before building the vocabulary:

>>> vb.build_vocabulary() 

Note that in the case you wish to use the native C++ feature extraction you should perform vb.initDetectorExtractor() and prepare the SETTINGS dictionary appropriately. Likewise add_training_image, load_and_add_training_image, or add_training_descs are then used to populate the Chowliu tree structures before that model is built:

# inspect the ctor in ChowLiuTree.cpp to see which configuration parameters are required
>>> clt = of.ChowLiuTree(SETTINGS)
>>> clt.build_chow_liu_tree()

Finally, the model (including the vocabulary) can be saved to disk using save (and indeed loaded from disk using load).
