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Sirius PHP Framework!

Sirius PHP Framework

A Very Simple PHP Framework (MVC)


  • Simple structure.
  • Using environment variables.
  • Very basic get routing system without using a library.
  • Powerful error handling system using Whoops.
  • Laravel's Blade template engine usign BladeOne.
  • Working with database using Eloquent ORM.


No need for composer to install the framework, just download the framework and getting started .


Public Directory

The index.php in Public directory serves as the front controller for all HTTP requests entering your application.

Configuration Files

All configuration files are stored in the config directory.

App Configuration

After installing Sirius framework, you should configure the name of the application or the database connection info... So in the main files of the framework there is a file called .env this file contains the general app configuration as the following example :

APP_NAME=Sirius          // App name
APP_INDEX=welcome        // App index view [Default : welcome]
APP_DEBUG=true           // App debuging [Enalble : true, Disable : flase]

DB_DRIVER=mysql          // Database driver [Default : mysql]
DB_PORT=3306             // Database port
DB_HOST=        // Database host name
DB_USERNAME=             // Database username
DB_PASSWORD=             // Database password
DB_DATABASE=             // Database name

if .env file is missing! there is a copy of the file called .env.example just copy it and remove .example from it's name.

Getting started


Sirius                           // Framework directory
     |__app                      // App directory
     |    |__Controllers         // App controllers
     |    |__Models              // App models
     |    Functions.php          // App functions
     |    Route.php              // App route system
     |__config                   // Config directory
     |       database.php        // Database configuration [you can configure DB from `.env` file]
     |__public                   // Public directory
     |       |__css              // App css files
     |       |__js               // App javascript files
     |       -index.php           // Public index [read `Public directory` in above `Configuration`]
     |__resources                // Resources directory
     |          |__cache         // Views cache
     |          |__views         // Views directory
     |__routes                   // Routes Directory
     |       web.php             // Setting routes file
     |__vendor                   // Vendor file [contains various third-party libraries and their dependencies by composer]
     .env                        // Environment variables
     .env.example                // `.env` copy
     composer.json               // composer file
     composer.lock               // composer file

Working with Database

Sirius framework uses laravel's Eloquent ORM so you can read more about how to working with database using Eloquent ORM at Laravel official documentation.

Working with Views

The PHP template engine that used in this framework is Blade using BladeOne which it is a standalone version of Blade Template Engine without Laravel in a single php file and without dependencies. So to know how to working with views and blade template as simply you can read about it at Laravel official documentation or from BladeOne library's docs.

Working with Routes

The route system that used in this framework is built without any library, I built it in a simple way. Ofcourse it may has an errors, So you can use an external route library with this framework or just keep using the default Sirius route system.

Libraries that used in this framework

  • whoops is an error handler framework for PHP. Out-of-the-box, it provides a pretty error interface that helps you debug your web projects, but at heart it's a simple yet powerful stacked error handling system.
  • EFTEC/BladeOne The standalone version Blade Template Engine without Laravel in a single php file and without dependencies.
  • Eloquent ORM The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database.
  • vlucas/phpdotenv Loads environment variables from .env to getenv(), $_ENV and $_SERVER automagically.

About the author

This simple project built by Munaf Aqeel Mahdi

Contact me

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