- Files:
- Read
- Write
- Delete
- SizeQuery
- Directory
- List
- Create
- Delete
- ObjectType(folder, file, neither)
started on ports 8000 - (8000+n)
where n
number of servers
- byte[] read(id) // read chunk from server
- write(chunk_id, content) //where list contains tuples(chunkId, content)
- size()
- status delete(list[]) // list of chunkIds
- size: ??
started on 8000
listTuples read(path)
// returns ordered list of tuples where key is serverId and value is chunkIdlistTuples write(path, countChunks)
// returns ordered list with tuples where key is serverId and value is chunksIdsstatus delete(path)
// Name server tells storages to delete particular chunkssize: ??
list[] list(path)
// list of files/directoriesstatus mkdir(path)
status rmdir(path)
type get_type(path)
- Slava: Can we use plain structure for storage servers (we can use)
- Slava: can we store file size on the namingServer?
- Slava: Can we unite rmdir and delete?