Project 2
Pour your thoughts out
Description Blog platform for TV Show lovers. A great place to put forth your thoughts about a particular episode or discuss the prediction of the upcoming episodes
User stories 404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault. 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault login-signup - As a user I want to see a welcome page that gives me the option to either log in as an existing user, or sign up with a new account. add-signup - As a user I want to sign up with my full information so that I can post my thoughts about my favourite tv shows. homepage - As a user when I login, I want to see my favourite tv shows listed on my page. And also a button to edit / remove my favourite shows which (may or maynot delete my blogs related to that show) Favourite show search result - As a user I want to see the search results with a oreview image, the title and the number of series details. Also, to go back to the home page if I don't want to see that search anymore. Add to Favourites button - As a user when I click on add to favourites button, that tv show should get added to the list of my favourite tv shows Write a blog - As a user when I click on the favourite tv show in my profile, it takes me to a page where I can view all the blogs related to that show and add my blog. Search for blog: In my profile, I should be able to search for any tv show and browse the blogs written by all the users for that tv show.
- As a user I would be able to browse blogs and comment or like them
- An option to Delete or keep their blogs when they remove a tv show from their favourite shows.
- Notifications if someone adds a blog or comment or likes their blog or comment
- Show other user profile - which shows all their favourite tv shows.
- May be a chat option if the user is online. (Keep for end)
API routes (back-end) GET /
renders index.hbs - Shows basic information and a tag line about the app and also shows options to login / signup
GET /auth/signup
shows signup.hbs, if the user is loggedIn, renders profile page
POST /auth/signup
redirects to home Page
body: username email password nickName
POST /auth/login
redirects to profile page if successful else shows error msg and redirect to login page
body: email password
POST /auth/logout
body: (empty) renders home page
GET /profile
renders user-profile.hbs redirects to / if user presses button POST /profile (to edit profile)
redirects to /add-signup (we reuse it but for edit purposes) body: username password
POST /profile (to add favourite tv show)
body: tv show title id
GET /notifications
renders notifications.hbs redirects to /profile if user presses button
Models User new Schema ({ _id: , email: String, required: true, password: String, minlength: 6, maxlength: 12, nickname: String, required: true, } })
blogs new Schema ({ _id: , userRef: user._id, blog: String, required: true, min length: 10 })
Backlog - comments new Schema
Summary of product User profile
Favourite tv shows list Check a list of favourite tv shows
Links [Trello Link]
Git [Repository Link]
Deploy Link: