The acronym GUBS stands for GUBS Upper Bound Solver.
Given a set of (in)equalities over arithmetical expressions and uninterpreted functions, GUBS is trying to find a model, i.e. interpretation into the naturals. In its current form, these interpretations are weakly monotone polynomials, possibly containing max.
Current, GUBS incorporates a dedicated synthesis technique relying on SMT-solvers, using either minismt or z3, various simplification techniques and a per SCC analysis.
GUBS has been tested only on Linux, but may work on other platforms.
On linux, in order to use any of the supported SMT-solvers, they have to be accessible in $PATH
GUBS comes along as a stand-alone executable as well as a Haskell-library.
The executable gubs
is invoked by passing as argument a file containing a constraint system.
Constraint systems are specified as S-Expressions, according to the following Grammar
TERM = (var IDENT) -- variable
| (+ TERM TERM) -- addition
| (* TERM TERM) -- addition
| (max TERM TERM) -- maximum
| (IDENT TERM ... TERM) -- uninterpreted function
| INTEGER -- constant
where identities IDENT
are composed of alpha-numerical characters and special symbols '
, _
, /
, #
, ?
, !
, [
and @
See the example folder in the source distribution for some examples.
Upon invokation, it will either output SUCCESS
together with the model, or OPEN
in case gubs
is not able to find a model.
To find a model, gubs
currently performs a per-SCC analysis. Each
SCC is subjected to various simplifications, concrete models for each individual
are then found via reduction to SMT, more specific, with respect to the theory
of non-linear integer arithmetic. This reduction is parameterised by the shape
of polynomials, notably, this includes degree of the searched polynomials.
In its current form, gubs
starts the search of linear polynomials, iteratively
increasing the degree should this search fail.
$ gubs/examples> cat ugo1.cs
(>= (f (var x))
(g (h (var x))))
(>= (h 0) 1)
(>= (h (+ (var x) 1))
(f (var x)))
(>= (g (var x))
(+ 1 (var x)))
$ gubs/examples> gubs ugo1.cs
f(x0) = 2 + x0;
g(x0) = 1 + x0;
h(x0) = 1 + x0;
The module GUBS exports all the essential functionality.
ghci> :module +GUBS
Let us define a simple constraint system over two unary functions f
and g
ghci GUBS> let f n = Fun 'f' [n]
ghci GUBS> let g n = Fun 'g' [n]
ghci GUBS> let x = Var 'x'
ghci GUBS> let cs = [ f (x + 1) :>=: g (f x), g x :>=: 2 + x ]
Currently, GUBS supports solving such constraints via a reduction to SMT, using either minismt or z3, various simplification techniques and separate SCC analysis
ghci GUBS> (r,_) <- cs `solveWith` smt Z3 smtOpts
ghci GUBS> r
Sat (Inter ..)
ghci GUBS> let Just i = interpretation r
ghci GUBS> :module +GUBS.Utils -- exports putDocLn
ghci GUBS GUBS.Utils> putDocLn i
f(x0) = 2*x0
g(x0) = 2+x0
Here, smt s o
uses solver s
to find a model with options o
. Models are currently restricted to weakly monotone polynomial interpretations,
more precise, function symbols are interpreted as polynomials over the naturals with positive coefficients.
GUBS comes also equipped with an executable that reads constrains from a given file. Constraints are specified as S-Expressions, according to the following rules:
TERM = (var IDENT) -- variable
| (+ TERM TERM) -- addition
| (max TERM TERM) -- maximum
| (* TERM TERM) -- multiplication
| (IDENT TERM ... TERM) -- uninterpreted function
| NATURAL -- constant
where identities IDENT
are composed of alpha-numerical characters and special symbols '
, _
, /
, #
, and ?
See the example folder in the source distribution for some examples.
$ gubs/examples> cat ugo1.cs
(>= (f (var x))
(g (h (var x))))
(>= (h 0) 1)
(>= (h (+ (var x) 1))
(f (var x)))
(>= (g (var x))
(+ 1 (var x)))
## Installation
The recommended way to install `gubs` is via
$ git clone \
&& cd gubs \
&& stack build gubs
$ # example execution
$ stack exec gubs -- examples/hosa/prependall-time.cs
$ # the executable can also be found at .stack-work/install/someVersionSpecificDirectories/bin/gubs
$ gubs/examples> gubs ugo1.cs
f(x0) = 2+x0
g(x0) = 1+x0
h(x0) = 1+x0