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CMake Options

Angelo Theodorou edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 2 revisions

You can tweak the generation of nCine project files with the following CMake options and variables:


    If this variable is set all the following options and variables will be set accordingly in order to produce a binary only or a developer distribution of the nCine. The only two allowed values are "BinDist" and "DevDist" respectively.


    You can set this option to enable or disable the compilation of test programs. Should you enable it make sure to have cloned the data repository as well.


    You can set this option to enable or disable the compilation of unit tests. When enabled CMake will first download and compile Google Test, then the unit tests.


      Use this variable to specify a particular commit, tag or branch for Google Test.


    You can set this option to enable or disable the compilation of the micro benchmarks. When enabled CMake will first download and compile Google Benchmark, then the micro benchmarks.


      Use this variable to specify a particular commit, tag or branch for Google Benchmark.


    By enabling this option the nCine installation package will include all the files that support development.


    This option will enable the use of whole program and link time optimizations when in Release mode.


    This option will enable report generation from compiler auto-vectorization.


    By enabling this option the engine will be compiled as a dynamic library. Otherwise it will be compiled as a static library. The latter will allow the compilation of additional tests but needs more work from the user.

    When the engine is compiled as a static library any project using it needs to link to all the dynamic libraries on which the engine normally depends.


    By enabling this option Doxygen will be invoked to create the HTML based API documentation and an install target will be set up by CMake.


      When this option is enabled, the generated documentation will include implementation classes.


    By enabling this option CMake will export all shader files in a single file of C strings to be included in the engine sources.


    This option will build the Android version of the engine.


      This is a CMake list of the target architectures when compiling for Android. Supported ones are armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a and x86_64.


      This option is only available when NCINE_BUILD_ANDROID is on. It will automatically assemble the Android APK invoking the Gradle executable, if it could be found.


      This option is only available when NCINE_BUILD_ANDROID is on. It will configure the Gradle build script to assemble an additional APK that contains all ABIs specified in NCINE_NDK_ARCHITECTURES.

    • NDK_DIR

      This string should be set to the path of the directory containing the Android NDK. If this string is not set to a valid directory then the ANDROID_NDK_HOME, ANDROID_NDK_ROOT and ANDROID_NDK environment variables will be queried in this order.


    When this option is enabled all Linux and Android libraries and executables will be stripped with the strip command.


    This option enables the support for the system agnostic threads API. On Emscripten the Pthreads support is disabled by default as it is in a prototyping stage.


    This option enables the integration with the GLEW library and cannot be turned off on Windows.


    This option enables the support for Google ANGLE libraries on Windows. It will work only when compiling with MSVC and when libraries are found inside the EXTERNAL_MSVC_DIR directory.


    This option enables the integration with the zlib and libpng libraries to allow PNG images loading.


    This option enables the integration with the libwebp library to allow WebP images loading.


    This option enables the audio and the integration with the OpenAL library.


    This option enables the integration with the libogg and libvorbis libraries to allow Ogg Vorbis sound loading. It is automatically disabled when NCINE_WITH_AUDIO is not enabled.


    This option enables the integration with the Lua library.


      This option enables the Lua scripting API.


    This option enables the custom memory allocators and the allocation manager.


      When this option is enabled every allocation or deallocation request will be recorded alongside a timestamp.


      With this option the global operator new and operator delete will be overriden to use the custom memory allocator.


      When this option is enabled the FreeList allocator will be used instead of the malloc()/free() based one.


      This variable will hold the size in bytes of the buffer used by the FreeList allocator. The default size is 32 MiB.


    When this option is enabled the engine will feature an integration with the Dear ImGui user interface toolkit.


      Use this variable to specify a particular commit, tag or branch for Dear ImGui.


    When this option is enabled the engine will feature an integration with the Nuklear user interface toolkit.


      Use this variable to specify a particular commit, tag or branch for Nuklear.


    When this option is enabled the engine will feature an integration with the Tracy frame profiler.


      Use this variable to specify a particular commit, tag or branch for Tracy.


    When this option is enabled the engine will feature the in-application integration with the RenderDoc graphics debugger.


      If the RenderDoc directory cannot be found automatically you can set its path with this variable.


    This option specifies the preferred backend to use on desktop for input and window handling. Possible values include GLFW, SDL2 and QT5.

    If you choose QT5 don't forget to define Qt5_DIR and optionally Qt5Gamepad_DIR for CMake to find the required libraries.


    This options enables the Emscripten Pthreads support by setting both USE_PTHREADS and WASM_MEM_MAX compiler and linker options. It might slow down code execution if WebAssembly is disabled in the compilation scripts.


    This string sets the path to the data directory that will be embedded in example tests.


    This option enables the gcov coverage of GCC and Clang compilers. It is especially useful in combination with NCINE_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS.


    This option enables the AddressSanitizer memory error detector of GCC and Clang compilers.


    This option enables the memory corruption mitigation methods of the GCC compiler.


    This string should be set to the path of the directory containing the tests data files.


    This string should be set to the path of the directory containing the Android dependency libraries.


    This string should be set to the path of the directory containing the MSVC dependency libraries.


    This string should be set to the path of the directory containing the Emscripten dependency libraries.


    This should be set to a valid target name of a test program. It will then become the startup project in Visual Studio.