I aimed to build a web application to furfill the following challenge:
The Makers Academy Marketing Array ( MAMA ) have asked us to provide a game for them. Their daily grind is pretty tough and they need time to steam a little.
Your task is to provide a Rock, Paper, Scissors game for them so they can play on the web with the following user stories:
As a marketeer
So that I can see my name in lights
I would like to register my name before playing an online game
As a marketeer
So that I can enjoy myself away from the daily grind
I would like to be able to play rock/paper/scissors
- the marketeer should be able to enter their name before the game
- the marketeer will be presented the choices (rock, paper and scissors)
- the marketeer can choose one option
- the game will choose a random option
- a winner will be declared
I first broke down the user stories using domain modelling. My resulting models were then converted into Capybara feature tests, after which I wrote unit tests in RSpec. Following that, I wrote my code.
After learning about the polymorphic competition exhibited in the Side-blotched lizard, I decided to theme my web app around the 3 different morphs competing for a female.
Clone repository:
$ git clone git@github.com:nazwhale/rps-challenge.git
$ cd rps-challenge
$ bundle
$ rackup
Install dependencies with bundle:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install