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Creating Timer

Nako Sung edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

The code below create a custom actor (myTimeActor) that print "myTimeActor: Printing Message" every second. This is done by using the SetTimerbyFunctionName(). More details is in the code.

/// <reference path="typings/ue.d.ts">/>

    Description: Create an actor that print a text to screen every second
    Detail: Implemented using Unreal Framework


class myTimeActor extends Actor
    //overload Event Begin Play
        //how often the timer will trigger in second
        let timeInterval = 1.0
        //set whether timer should loop
        let bLoop = true
        //set a timer on this actor
        this.SetTimerbyFunctionName('printMyText', timeInterval, bLoop)

    //create a new UFUNCTION name printMyText
    //the /*BlueprintCallable*/ comment is a UFUNCTION specifier 
    //and must exist to create a new function from javascript
    //more UFUNCTION specifier can be found here 
    printMyText() /*BlueprintCallable*/
        //print a text to the screen
        GWorld.PrintText("myTimeActor: Printing Message", true, false, LinearColor.MakeColor(0,0,1,1), 3)

//compile myTimeActor
let myTimeActor_C = require('uclass')()(global, myTimeActor) 

//create an actor into the world, can fail if collide at spawn point
let myActor = new myTimeActor_C(GWorld, Vector.MakeVector(0, 0, 10))

//need aliases.js for SetTimerbyFunctionName to be recognized

Alternative way to create a node.js/browser like timer,

setInterval( () => { console.log('hello') }, 1000 )
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