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Sublime Text 3

DProBoy edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 1 revision

You can also use Sublime Text 3 as your code editor , Just make sure to install the following Packages :

After installing the packages mentioned above , You can start coding :

  1. Open the scripts folder in Sublime Text 3 (either via toolbar , or dragging it)
  2. Place your bootstrap.js file in your scripts folder if you haven't done that before (you can just copy the contents and create a new script)
  3. Create a script with the extension ".js"
  4. Open your Command Pallet (Ctrl + Shift + P) , and while your script is open , Type in in the command pallet : Set Syntax Typescript (This would enable Autocompletion for that specific file)
  5. Paste in the top of that file , the following : /// <reference path="typings/ue.d.ts">/>

Now you can code in Sublime Text 3 and use Autocompletion ! NOTE : Autocompletion here is Context Insensitive , But you can go through those typescript typings to learn more. TODO : Video explaining steps

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