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Running the examples

Nako Sung edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 6 revisions
  • Make sure you have git-lfs installed.
  • Clone this repository and download external dependencies.
git clone
cd Unreal.js
git submodule update --init
cd Examples/Plugins/UnrealJS
install-v8-libs.bat (for windows)
./ (for other platforms)
  • Open JavascriptPlayground.uproject and click to rebuild.

  • Clone or Download the Examples directory of the Unreal.js repository
  • Create the Examples\Plugins\ directory
  • Copy the already built plugin content to the Examples\Plugins\UnrealJS directory
  • Open the Examples\JavascriptPlayground.uproject file in the UE Editor
  • Load one of the example levels from the editor's Content Browser
  • Run the level in the editor to see Unreal.js in action
  • If something goes wrong while running the level you can probably get useful information in the Javascript Console (Window > Developer Tools > Javascript Console)

Install additional Node.js dependencies

  • For the helloSpringy.js example you will need to install some external Node.js dependency packages
  • This is done by using the npm command line utility
  • Open the OS command prompt / shell and cd to the Examples\Content\Scripts\ directory
  • Install the required dependencies by using the npm install command
  • The node_modules directory with the downloaded dependencies should have been created
  • You can then try out and run the helloSpringy.js example
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