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Route HTTP Verb Post Body Description
/api/books GET Empty List all books.
/api/books POST {'name':'The Lord of the Rings', 'category':'Epic', 'publisher':'Metis Yayınları', 'year':1954, 'likes': 9157, 'author_id':"id"} Create a new book.
/api/books/:book_id GET Empty Get single book.
/api/books/:book_id PUT {'category':'History', 'year':2000} Update a book with new info.
/api/books/:book_id DELETE Empty Delete a book.
/api/books/top/:top_id GET Empty Get the top books with your limit.
/api/books/year/:start_year/:end_year GET Empty Books between two dates.


Route HTTP Verb Post Body Description
/api/authors GET Empty List all authors and theirs books.
/api/authors POST {'name': 'J. R. R.', 'surname':'Tolkien', 'bio':'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'} Create a new author.
/api/authors/:author_id GET Empty Get single author and their books.
/api/authors/:author_id PUT {'bio': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit'} Update a author with new info.
/api/authors/:author_id DELETE Empty Delete a author.


Route HTTP Verb POST Body Description
/register POST { username: 'loremipsum', password:'1234' } Create a new user.
/authenticate POST { username: 'loremipsum', password:'1234' } Generate a token.


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This Application is licensed under the MIT license.