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Nek edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 5 revisions


At the top left you can choose a custom profile. Copy default.ini and rename it to mage.ini for example. Keep one ini profile file per character or specific setup you want.

  • Window always on top:

Check this to keep the window always on top, you could miss pop ups so make sure you move the window after you open the program

  • Old / New / Set

This is used to rename your Aria client. The New value is the one the loop will look for. This can allow you to run multiple clients and instances of LoU Helper.

  • Auto-Relog / Character # / Tolerance


Choose the correct Character Number to connect with. If this is checked you can start the loop from the title screen.

Tolerance can be raised 5 by 5 if LoU Helper has issues finding images for the autorelog.

  • Lag Delay

Change the delay to make things more mellow or tight depending on your ping. Time in ms it waits between actions that may lag a bit.

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