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Nek edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 1 revision



You need a custom image to use this feature. Create charge.bmp

  • Add / Remove harvesting spot

Manage your harvesting spots.

  • Tolerance / Delay

Raise this value 5 by 5 if you are sure you have the correct charge.bmp but still skip too fast to the next tree. If it gets too high LoU Helper will always think it's hitting a tree.

The extra Delay in ms is how long it will wait after a recall so your client has time to load.

Harvesting 1

The routine will recall from one spot to another. After the last one the loop will stop. You should be full by then.

  • Harvest this spot / Tool Key / Rune Key / Recall Scroll / Use Scroll

Check if you want to harvest that specific spot.

Tool Key is the hotkey for the tool for that spot. You can have a different tool per spot.

Rune Key is the hotkey for the rune to the spot.

Recall Scroll hotkey and if you want to use a scroll.

If Use Scroll is checked you must not have a spellbook or at least the recall spell. It will hit the rune hotkey, nothing will happen, then the recall scroll and it will go to the rune. I STRONGLY advise to use scrolls as a Fizzle will throw the whole thing off until the next spot.

  • X / Y / Set

Client window coordinates for the different locations on your screen for the nodes (tree/ore).

Use Set and follow the instructions. If you can hit more than 6 from a single spot let me know I want to harvest there!

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