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Quick Start

Nek edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

Getting Started

  • Using the source code
  1. Download or clone the code into a folder.

  2. Make sure that you have AutoHotkey installed.

  3. Run the .ahk file directly or compile it into a .exe file

  • Using the compiled binary
  1. Download the latest release

  2. Run it in it's own folder as it will be extracting multiple files.

General Information

Choose different routines to add to your macro loop, adjust settings and hit Start!

Make sure that you have checked all the default hotkeys in LoU Helper if you changed yours in game.

All actions that do not require to check the game window for an image or that needs to do a mouse click will be done Minimized. This means the game client will remain inactive.

For example as soon as Auto-Relog is checked it will make the game client active for a split second at the start of each loop. This is VERY annoying if you are doing something else on the computer. This is a limitation of AutoHotKey which is the system used for LoU Helper.

There will be a note on each setting that will force the game client window to become active.

Loop Order

To help you fine tune your delays, here is the order of the routines in the loop:

Checks for Auto-Relog

Checks for Hiding, then Stealth

Checks for Healing in the same order as the GUI: Bandages, Magic, Cure Pot, Cure Spell

Checks for Physical and Magic attacks

Checks for Animal Lore

Checks for Music, then Provo, Peace, Discord

Checks for Lockpicking

Checks for Releasing a pet

Checks for Taming

Checks for Fishing

Checks for Vet

Checks for Item ID

Checks for Custom

Checks for Harvesting

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