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A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.


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A functional ASP.NET Core micro web framework for building rich web applications.

Read this blog post on functional ASP.NET Core for more information.

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Giraffe was formerly known as ASP.NET Core Lambda and has been later renamed to Giraffe to better distinguish from AWS Lambda and to establish its own unique brand.

The old NuGet package has been unlisted and will no longer receive any updates. Please use the Giraffe NuGet package going forward.

Table of contents


Giraffe is an F# micro web framework for building rich web applications. It has been heavily inspired and is similar to Suave, but has been specifically designed with ASP.NET Core in mind and can be plugged into the ASP.NET Core pipeline via middleware. Giraffe applications are composed of so called HttpHandler functions which can be thought of a mixture of Suave's WebParts and ASP.NET Core's middleware.

If you'd like to learn more about the motivation of this project please read my blog post on functional ASP.NET Core (some code samples in this blog post might be outdated today).

Who is it for?

Giraffe is intended for developers who want to build rich web applications on top of ASP.NET Core in a functional first approach. ASP.NET Core is a powerful web platform which has support by Microsoft and a huge developer community behind it and Giraffe is aimed at F# developers who want to benefit from that eco system.

It is not designed to be a competing web product which can be run standalone like NancyFx or Suave, but rather a lean micro framework which aims to complement ASP.NET Core where it comes short for functional developers. The fundamental idea is to build on top of the strong foundation of ASP.NET Core and re-use existing ASP.NET Core building blocks so F# developers can benefit from both worlds.

You can think of Giraffe as the functional counter part of the ASP.NET Core MVC framework.



The main building block in Giraffe is a so called HttpHandler:

type HttpFuncResult = Task<HttpContext option>
type HttpFunc = HttpContext -> HttpFuncResult
type HttpHandler = HttpFunc -> HttpContext -> HttpFuncResult

A HttpHandler is a simple function which takes two curried arguments, a HttpFunc and a HttpContext, and returns a HttpContext (wrapped in an option and Task workflow) when finished.

Given that a HttpHandler receives and returns an ASP.NET Core HttpContext there is literally nothing which cannot be done from within a Giraffe web application which couldn't be done from a regular ASP.NET Core (MVC) application either.

Each HttpHandler can process an incoming HttpRequest before passing it further down the pipeline by invoking the next HttpFunc or short circuit the execution by returning an option of Some HttpContext.

If a HttpHandler decides to not process an incoming HttpRequest at all, then it can return None instead. In this case another HttpHandler might pick up the incoming HttpRequest or the middleware will defer to the next RequestDelegate from the ASP.NET Core pipeline.

The easiest way to get your head around a Giraffe HttpHandler is to think of it like a functional ASP.NET Core middleware. Each handler has the full HttpContext at its disposal and can decide whether it wants to return Some HttpContext, None or pass it on to the "next" HttpFunc.

Please check out the sample applications for a demo as well as a real world example.


compose (>=>)

The compose combinator combines two HttpHandler functions into one:

let compose (handler1 : HttpHandler) (handler2 : HttpHandler) : HttpHandler =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) ->
        let func = next |> handler2 |> handler1
        fun (ctx : HttpContext) ->
            match ctx.Response.HasStarted with
            | true  -> next ctx
            | false -> func ctx

It is the main combinator as it allows composing many smaller HttpHandler functions into a bigger web application.

If you would like to learn more about the >=> (fish) operator then please check out Scott Wlaschin's blog post on Railway oriented programming.

let app = route "/" >=> setStatusCode 200 >=> text "Hello World"


The choose combinator function iterates through a list of HttpHandler functions and invokes each individual handler until the first HttpHandler returns a result.

let app =
    choose [
        route "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        route "/bar" >=> text "Bar"


Another important aspect to Giraffe is that it natively works with .NET's Task and Task<'T> objects instead of relying on F#'s async {} workflows. The main benefit of this is that it removes the necessity of converting back and forth between tasks and async workflows when building a Giraffe web application (because ASP.NET Core works only with tasks out of the box).

For this purpose Giraffe has it's own task {} workflow which comes with the Giraffe.Tasks module. Syntactically it works identical to F#'s async workflows:

open Giraffe.Tasks
open Giraffe.HttpHandlers

let personHandler =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        task {
            let! person = ctx.BindModelAsync<Person>()
            return! json person next ctx

The task {} workflow is not strictly tied to Giraffe and can be used from anywhere in an F# application:

open Giraffe.Tasks

let readFileAndDoSomething (filePath : string) =
    task {
        use stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)
        use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
        let! contents = reader.ReadToEndAsync()

        // do something with contents

        return contents

Note, you can still continue to use regular Async<'T> workflows from within the task{} computation expression without having to manually convert back into a Task<'T>.

If you were to write the same code with F#'s async workflow it would look something like this:

let readFileAndDoSomething (filePath : string) =
    async {
        use stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)
        use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
        let! contents =
            |> Async.AwaitTask

        // do something with contents

        return contents

Apart from the convenience of not having to convert from a Task<'T> into an Async<'T> workflow and then back again into a Task<'T> when returning back to the ASP.NET Core pipeline it also proved to improve overall performance by two figure % in comparison to F#'s async implementation.

The original code for Giraffe's task implementation has been taken from Robert Peele's TaskBuilder.fs and gradually modified to better fit Giraffe's use case for a highly scalable ASP.NET Core web application.

Default HttpHandlers


GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE filters a request by the specified HTTP verb.


let app =
    choose [
        GET  >=> route "/foo" >=> text "GET Foo"
        POST >=> route "/foo" >=> text "POST Foo"
        route "/bar" >=> text "Always Bar"


mustAccept filters a request by the Accept HTTP header. You can use it to check if a client accepts a certain mime type before returning a response.


let app =
    mustAccept [ "text/plain"; "application/json" ] >=>
        choose [
            route "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
            route "/bar" >=> json "Bar"


challenge challenges an authentication with a specified authentication scheme (authScheme).


let mustBeLoggedIn =
    requiresAuthentication (challenge "Cookie")

let app =
    choose [
        route "/ping" >=> text "pong"
        route "/admin" >=> mustBeLoggedIn >=> text "You're an admin"


signOff signs off the currently logged in user.


let app =
    choose [
        route "/ping" >=> text "pong"
        route "/logout" >=> signOff "Cookie" >=> text "You have successfully logged out."


requiresauthpolicy validates if a user satisfies policy requirement, if not then the handler will execute the authFailedHandler function.

let mustBeJohn =
    requiresAuthPolicy (fun user -> user.HasClaim (ClaimTypes.Name, "John")) accessDenied

let app =
    choose [
        route "/ping" >=> text "pong"
        route "/john-only" >=> mustBeJohn >=> text "Hi John."


requiresAuthentication validates if a user is authenticated/logged in. If the user is not authenticated then the handler will execute the authFailedHandler function.


let mustBeLoggedIn =
    requiresAuthentication (challenge "Cookie")

let app =
    choose [
        route "/ping" >=> text "pong"
        route "/user" >=> mustBeLoggedIn >=> text "You're a logged in user."


requiresRole validates if an authenticated user is in a specified role. If the user fails to be in the required role then the handler will execute the authFailedHandler function.


let accessDenied = setStatusCode 401 >=> text "Access Denied"

let mustBeAdmin =
    requiresAuthentication accessDenied
    >=> requiresRole "Admin" accessDenied

let app =
    choose [
        route "/ping" >=> text "pong"
        route "/admin" >=> mustBeAdmin >=> text "You're an admin."


requiresRoleOf validates if an authenticated user is in one of the supplied roles. If the user fails to be in one of the required roles then the handler will execute the authFailedHandler function.


let accessDenied = setStatusCode 401 >=> text "Access Denied"

let mustBeSomeAdmin =
    requiresAuthentication accessDenied
    >=> requiresRoleOf [ "Admin"; "SuperAdmin"; "RootAdmin" ] accessDenied

let app =
    choose [
        route "/ping" >=> text "pong"
        route "/admin" >=> mustBeSomeAdmin >=> text "You're an admin."


clearResponse tries to clear the current response. This can be useful inside an error handler to reset the response before writing an error message to the body of the HTTP response object.


let errorHandler (ex : Exception) (logger : ILogger) =
    >=> setStatusCode 500
    >=> text ex.Message

let webApp =
    choose [
        route "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        route "/bar" >=> text "Bar"

type Startup() =
    member __.Configure (app : IApplicationBuilder)
                        (env : IHostingEnvironment)
                        (loggerFactory : ILoggerFactory) =
        app.UseGiraffeErrorHandler errorHandler
        app.UseGiraffe webApp


route compares a given path with the actual request path and short circuits if it doesn't match.


let app =
    choose [
        route "/"    >=> text "Index path"
        route "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        route "/bar" >=> text "Bar"


routef matches a given format string with the actual request path. On success it will resolve the arguments from the format string and invoke the given HttpHandler with them.

The following format placeholders are currently supported:

  • %b for bool
  • %c for char
  • %s for string
  • %i for int32
  • %d for int64 (this is custom to Giraffe)
  • %f for float/double


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        routef "/bar/%s/%i" (fun (name, age) ->
            // name is of type string
            // age is of type int
            text (sprintf "Name: %s, Age: %i" name age))


routeCi is the case insensitive version of route.


// "/FoO", "/fOO", "/bAr", etc. will match as well

let app =
    choose [
        routeCi "/"    >=> text "Index path"
        routeCi "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        routeCi "/bar" >=> text "Bar"


routeCif is the case insensitive version of routef.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        routeCif "/bar/%s/%i" (fun (name, age) ->
            text (sprintf "Name: %s, Age: %i" name age))


routeBind matches and parses a request path with a given object model. On success it will resolve the arguments from the route and create an instance of type 'T and invoke the given HttpHandler with it.

The route parameter of the routeBind handler can include any standard .NET Regex to allow greater flexibility when binding a route to an object model. For example /{foo}/{bar}(/?) specifies that the route may end with zero or one trailing slash when binding to the model.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName : string

let app =
    choose [
        routeBind<Person> "/foo/{firstName}/{lastName}(/?)" (fun person ->
            sprintf "%s %s" person.FirstName person.LastName
            |> text)

// HTTP GET /foo/John/Doe   --> Success
// HTTP GET /foo/John/Doe/  --> Success
// HTTP GET /foo/John/Doe// --> Failure

// The last case will not bind to the Person model,
// because the Regex doesn't allow more than one
// trailing slash (change ? to * and it will work).


routeStartsWith checks if the current request path starts with the given string. This can be useful when combining with other http handlers, e.g. to validate a subset of routes for authentication.


let app =
    routeStartsWith "/api/" >=>
        requiresAuthentication (challenge "Cookie") >=>
            choose [
                route "/api/v1/foo" >=> text "Foo"
                route "/api/v1/bar" >=> text "Bar"


routeStartsWithCi is the case insensitive version of routeStartsWith.


let app =
    routeStartsWithCi "/api/v1/" >=>
        choose [
            route "/api/v1/foo" >=> text "Foo"
            route "/api/v1/bar" >=> text "Bar"


subRoute checks if the current path begins with the given path and will invoke the passed in handler if it was a match. The given handler (and any nested handlers within it) should omit the already applied path for subsequent route evaluations.


let app =
    subRoute "/api"
        (choose [
            subRoute "/v1"
                (choose [
                    route "/foo" >=> text "Foo 1"
                    route "/bar" >=> text "Bar 1" ])
            subRoute "/v2"
                (choose [
                    route "/foo" >=> text "Foo 2"
                    route "/bar" >=> text "Bar 2" ]) ])


subRouteCi is the case insensitive version of subRoute.


let app =
    subRouteCi "/api"
        (choose [
            subRouteCi "/v1"
                (choose [
                    route "/foo" >=> text "Foo 1"
                    route "/bar" >=> text "Bar 1" ])
            subRouteCi "/v2"
                (choose [
                    route "/foo" >=> text "Foo 2"
                    route "/bar" >=> text "Bar 2" ]) ])


setStatusCode changes the status code of the HttpResponse.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Not found"


setHttpHeader sets or modifies a HTTP header of the HttpResponse.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> text "Foo"
        setStatusCode 404 >=> setHttpHeader "X-CustomHeader" "something" >=> text "Not found"


setBody sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> setBody (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes "Some string")


setBodyAsString sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> setBodyAsString "Some string"


text sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse by sending a plain text value to the client.. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.

The different between text and setBodyAsString is that this http handler also sets the Content-Type HTTP header to text/plain.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> text "Some string"

You can also use the WriteTextAsync extension method to return a plain text response back to the client.


customJson sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse by sending a JSON serialized object with custom JsonSerializerSettings to the client. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more. It also sets the Content-Type HTTP header to application/json.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let settings = JsonSerializerSettings(
        Formatting = Formatting.Indented,
        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> customJson settings { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }

You can also create a new http handler with the help of customJson:

type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let settings = JsonSerializerSettings(
        Formatting = Formatting.Indented,
        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

let formattedJson = customJson settings

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> formattedJson { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }

Alternatively you can also use the WriteJsonAsync extension method to return a custom serialized JSON response back to the client.


json sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse by sending a JSON serialized object to the client. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more. It also sets the Content-Type HTTP header to application/json.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> json { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }

You can also use the WriteJsonAsync extension method to return a default serialized JSON response back to the client.


xml sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse by sending an XML serialized object to the client. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more. It also sets the Content-Type HTTP header to application/xml.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> xml { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }

You can also use the WriteXmlAsync extension method to return an XML response back to the client.


negotiate sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse by inspecting the Accept header of the HTTP request and deciding if the response should be sent in JSON or XML or plain text. If the client is indifferent then the default response will be sent in JSON.

This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string
    // The ToString method is used to serialize the object as text/plain during content negotiation
    override this.ToString() =
        sprintf "%s %s" this.FirstName this.LastNam

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> negotiate { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }


negotiateWith sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse by inspecting the Accept header of the HTTP request and deciding in what mimeType the response should be sent. A dictionary of type IDictionary<string, obj -> HttpHandler> is used to determine which obj -> HttpHandler function should be used to convert an object into a HttpHandler for a given mime type.

This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

// xml and json are the two HttpHandler functions from above
let rules =
    dict [
        "*/*"             , xml
        "application/json", json
        "application/xml" , xml

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> negotiateWith rules { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }


htmlFile sets or modifies the body of the HttpResponse with the contents of a physical html file. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.

This http handler takes a rooted path of a html file or a path which is relative to the ContentRootPath as the input parameter and sets the HTTP header Content-Type to text/html.


let app =
    choose [
        route  "/" >=> htmlFile "index.html"


renderHtml is a more functional way of generating HTML by composing HTML elements in F# to generate a rich Model-View output.

It is based on Suave's Experimental Html and bears some resemblance with Elm.


Create a function that accepts a model and returns an XmlNode:

open Giraffe.XmlViewEngine

let model = { Name = "John Doe" }

let layout (content: XmlNode list) =
    html [] [
        head [] [
            title [] (encodedText "Giraffe")
        body [] content

let partial () =
    p [] (encodedText "Some partial text.")

let personView model =
        div [] [
                h3 [] (sprintf "Hello, %s" model.Name |> encodedText)
        div [] [partial()]
    ] |> layout

let app =
    choose [
        route "/" >=> (personView model |> renderHtml)


redirectTo uses a 302 or 301 (when permanent) HTTP response code to redirect the client to the specified location. It takes in two parameters, a boolean flag denoting whether the redirect should be permanent or not and the location to redirect to.


let app =
    choose [
        route "/"          >=> redirectTo false "/foo"
        route "/permanent" >=> redirectTo true ""
        route "/foo"       >=> text "Some string"


If your web server is listening to multiple ports through WebHost.UseUrls then you can use the portRoute HttpHandler to easily filter incoming requests based on their port by providing a list of port number and HttpHandler ((int * HttpHandler) list).


let app9001 =
    router notFound [
        GET [
            route  "/index1" => text "index page1" ]

let app9002 =
    router notFound [
        POST [
            subRoute "/api2" [
                route "/newpassword2" => text "newpassword2" ]

let app = portRoute [
    (9001, app9001)
    (9002, app9002)


If your route is not returning a static response, then you should wrap your function with a warbler.


// unit -> string
let time() =

let webApp =
    choose [
        GET >=>
            choose [
                route "/once"      >=> (time() |> text)
                route "/everytime" >=> warbler (fun _ -> (time() |> text))

Functions in F# are eagerly evaluated and the /once route will only be evaluated the first time. A warbler will help to evaluate the function every time the route is hit.

// ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
let warbler f a = f a a

StatusCode HttpHandlers

Giraffe also offers a default set of so called HttpStatusCodeHandlers, which can be used to return a response with a specific HTTP status code.

If you need to set the HTTP status code as part of a custom HttpHandler then please use the setStatusCode handler instead.

Giraffe's default set of HttpStatusCodeHandlers are categorised in four sub modules:

For most HttpStatusCodeHandlers (except Intermediate) there are two available function versions - a lower case and an upper case version.

The lower case version (e.g. Successful.ok) is the lower level function which let's you combine it with any other HttpHandler:


let app = route `/` >=> Successful.ok (text "Hello World")

This is essentially the equivalent of:

let app = route `/` >=> setStatusCode 200 >=> text "Hello World"

The upper case version (e.g. Successful.OK) can be used to return an object back to the client through Giraffe's deafult content negotiation.


type Person = { FirstName : string; LastName : string }

let johnDoe = { FirstName = "John"; LastName = "Doe" }

let app = choose [
    route `/`     >=> Successful.OK "Hello World"
    route `/john` >=> Successful.OK johnDoe

In order to better explain the upper case version you could equally write the same code this way:

type Person = { FirstName : string; LastName : string }

let johnDoe = { FirstName = "John"; LastName = "Doe" }

let app = choose [
    route `/`     >=> setStatusCode 200 >=> negotiate "Hello World"
    route `/john` >=> setStatusCode 200 >=> negotiate johnDoe

For HTTP 3xx status codes it is recommended to use the redirectTo http handler.


HTTP Status Code Function name Example
100 CONTINUE route "/" >=> Intermediate.CONTINUE
101 SWITCHING_PROTO route "/" >=> Intermediate.SWITCHING_PROTO


HTTP Status Code Function name Example
200 ok route "/" >=> Successful.ok (text "Hello World")
200 OK route "/" >=> Successful.OK "Hello World"
201 created route "/" >=> Successful.created (json someObj)
201 CREATED route "/" >=> Successful.CREATED someObj
202 accepted route "/" >=> Successful.accepted (xml someObj)
202 ACCEPTED route "/" >=> Successful.ACCEPTED someObj


HTTP Status Code Function name Example
400 badRequest route "/" >=> RequestErrors.badRequest (text "Don't like it")
400 BAD_REQUEST route "/" >=> RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST "Don't like it"
401 unauthorized route "/" >=> RequestErrors.unauthorized "Basic" "MyApp" (text "Don't know who you are")
401 UNAUTHORIZED route "/" >=> RequestErrors.UNAUTHORIZED "Don't know who you are"
403 forbidden route "/" >=> RequestErrors.forbidden (text "Not enough permissions")
403 FORBIDDEN route "/" >=> RequestErrors.FORBIDDEN "Not enough permissions"
404 notFound route "/" >=> RequestErrors.notFound (text "Page not found")
404 NOT_FOUND route "/" >=> RequestErrors.NOT_FOUND "Page not found"
405 methodNotAllowed route "/" >=> RequestErrors.methodNotAllowed (text "Don't support this")
405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED route "/" >=> RequestErrors.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED "Don't support this"
406 notAcceptable route "/" >=> RequestErrors.notAcceptable (text "Not having this")
406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE route "/" >=> RequestErrors.NOT_ACCEPTABLE "Not having this"
409 conflict route "/" >=> RequestErrors.conflict (text "some conflict")
409 CONFLICT route "/" >=> RequestErrors.CONFLICT "some conflict"
410 gone route "/" >=> RequestErrors.gone (text "Too late, not here anymore")
410 GONE route "/" >=> RequestErrors.GONE "Too late, not here anymore"
415 unsupportedMediaType route "/" >=> RequestErrors.unsupportedMediaType (text "Please send in different format")
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE route "/" >=> RequestErrors.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE "Please send in different format"
422 unprocessableEntity route "/" >=> RequestErrors.unprocessableEntity (text "Can't do anything with this")
422 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY route "/" >=> RequestErrors.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY "Can't do anything with this"
428 preconditionRequired route "/" >=> RequestErrors.preconditionRequired (test "Please do something else first")
428 PRECONDITION_REQUIRED route "/" >=> RequestErrors.PRECONDITION_REQUIRED "Please do something else first"
429 tooManyRequests route "/" >=> RequestErrors.tooManyRequests (text "Slow down champ")
429 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS route "/" >=> RequestErrors.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS "Slow down champ"

Note that the unauthorized and UNAUTHORIZED functions require two additional parameters, an authentication scheme and a realm.


HTTP Status Code Function name Example
500 internalError route "/" >=> ServerErrors.internalError (text "Ops, something went wrong")
500 INTERNAL_ERROR route "/" >=> ServerErrors.INTERNAL_ERROR "Not implemented"
501 notImplemented route "/" >=> ServerErrors.notImplemented (text "Not implemented")
501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED route "/" >=> ServerErrors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED "Ops, something went wrong"
502 badGateway route "/" >=> ServerErrors.badGateway (text "Bad gateway")
502 BAD_GATEWAY route "/" >=> ServerErrors.BAD_GATEWAY "Bad gateway"
503 serviceUnavailable route "/" >=> ServerErrors.serviceUnavailable (text "Service unavailable")
503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE route "/" >=> ServerErrors.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE "Service unavailable"
504 gatewayTimeout route "/" >=> ServerErrors.gatewayTimeout (text "Gateway timeout")
504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT route "/" >=> ServerErrors.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT "Gateway timeout"
505 invalidHttpVersion route "/" >=> ServerErrors.invalidHttpVersion (text "Invalid HTTP version")

Additional HttpHandlers

There's a few additional HttpHandler functions which you can get through referencing extra NuGet packages.


The Giraffe.Razor NuGet package adds additional HttpHandler functions to render Razor views from Giraffe.


razorView uses the official ASP.NET Core MVC Razor view engine to compile a page and set the body of the HttpResponse. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.

The razorView handler requires the view name, an object model and the contentType of the response to be passed in. It also requires to be enabled through the AddRazorEngine function during start-up.


Add the razor engine service during start-up:

open Giraffe.Razor

type Startup() =
    member __.ConfigureServices (services : IServiceCollection, env : IHostingEnvironment) =
        let viewsFolderPath = Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "views")
        services.AddRazorEngine(viewsFolderPath) |> ignore

Use the razorView function:

open Giraffe.Razor

let model = { WelcomeText = "Hello World" }

let app =
    choose [
        // Assuming there is a view called "Index.cshtml"
        route  "/" >=> razorView "text/html" "Index" model


razorHtmlView is the same as razorView except that it automatically sets the response as text/html.


Add the razor engine service during start-up:

open Giraffe.Razor

type Startup() =
    member __.ConfigureServices (services : IServiceCollection, env : IHostingEnvironment) =
        let viewsFolderPath = Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "views")
        services.AddRazorEngine(viewsFolderPath) |> ignore

Use the razorView function:

open Giraffe.Razor

let model = { WelcomeText = "Hello World" }

let app =
    choose [
        // Assuming there is a view called "Index.cshtml"
        route  "/" >=> razorHtmlView "Index" model


The Giraffe.DotLiquid NuGet package adds additional HttpHandler functions to render DotLiquid templates in Giraffe.


dotLiquid uses the DotLiquid template engine to set or modify the body of the HttpResponse. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.

The dotLiquid handler requires the content type and the actual template to be passed in as two string values together with an object model. This handler is supposed to be used as the base handler for other http handlers which want to utilize the DotLiquid template engine (e.g. you could create an SVG handler on top of it).

open Giraffe.DotLiquid

type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let template = "<html><head><title>DotLiquid</title></head><body><p>First name: {{ firstName }}<br />Last name: {{ lastName }}</p></body></html>"

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> dotLiquid "text/html" template { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }


dotLiquidTemplate uses the DotLiquid template engine to set or modify the body of the HttpResponse. This http handler triggers a response to the client and other http handlers will not be able to modify the HTTP headers afterwards any more.

This http handler takes a relative path of a template file, an associated model and the contentType of the response as parameters.

open Giraffe.DotLiquid

type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> dotLiquidTemplate "text/html" "templates/person.html" { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }


dotLiquidHtmlView is the same as dotLiquidTemplate except that it automatically sets the response as text/html.

open Giraffe.DotLiquid

type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let app =
    choose [
        route  "/foo" >=> dotLiquidHtmlView "templates/person.html" { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }


The Giraffe.TokenRouter module adds alternative HttpHandler functions to route incoming HTTP requests through a basic Radix Tree. Several routing handlers (e.g.: routef and subRoute) have been overridden in such a way that path matching and value parsing are significantly faster than using the basic choose function.

This implementation assumes that additional memory and compilation time is not an issue. If speed and performance of parsing and path matching is required then the Giraffe.TokenRouter is the preferred option.


The base of all routing decisions is a router function instead of the default choose function when using the Giraffe.TokenRouter module.

The router HttpHandler takes two arguments, a HttpHandler to execute when no route can be matched (typical 404 Not Found handler) and secondly a list of all routing functions.


Defining a basic router and routes

let notFound = setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Not found"
let app =
    router notFound [
        route "/"       (text "index")
        route "/about"  (text "about")

routing functions

When using the Giraffe.TokenRouter module the main routing functions have been slightly overridden to match the alternative (speed improved) implementation.

The route and routef handlers work the exact same way as before, except that the continuation handler needs to be enclosed in parentheses or captured by the <| or => operators.

The http handlers GET, POST, PUT and DELETE are functions which take a list of nested http handler functions similar to before.

The subRoute handler has been altered in order to accept an additional parameter of child routing functions. All child routing functions will presume that the given sub path has been prepended.


Defining a basic router and routes

let notFound = setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Not found"
let app =
    router notFound [
        route "/"       (text "index")
        route "/about"  (text "about")
        routef "parsing/%s/%i" (fun (s,i) -> text (sprintf "Recieved %s & %i" s i))
        subRoute "/api" [
            GET [
                route "/"       (text "api index")
                route "/about"  (text "api about")
                subRoute "/v2" [
                    route "/"       (text "api v2 index")
                    route "/about"  (text "api v2 about")


Custom HttpHandlers

Defining a new HttpHandler is fairly easy. All you need to do is to create a new function which matches the signature of HttpFunc -> HttpContext -> Task<HttpContext option>. Through currying your custom HttpHandler can extend the original signature as long as the partial application of your function will still return a function of HttpFunc -> HttpContext -> Task<HttpContext option> (HttpFunc -> HttpFunc).


Defining a custom HTTP handler to partially filter a route:

(After creating this example I added the routeStartsWith HttpHandler to the list of default handlers as it turned out to be quite useful)

let routeStartsWith (subPath : string) =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        if ctx.Request.Path.ToString().StartsWith subPath
        then next ctx
        else Task.FromResult None

Defining another custom HTTP handler to validate a mandatory HTTP header:

let requiresToken (expectedToken : string) (handler : HttpHandler) =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        let token    = ctx.Request.Headers.["X-Token"].ToString()
        let response =
            if token.Equals(expectedToken)
            then handler
            else setStatusCode 401 >=> text "Token wrong or missing"
        response next ctx

Composing a web application from smaller HTTP handlers:

let app =
    choose [
        route "/"       >=> htmlFile "index.html"
        route "/about"  >=> htmlFile "about.html"
        routeStartsWith "/api/v1/" >=>
            requiresToken "secretToken" (
                choose [
                    route "/api/v1/foo" >=> text "something"
                    route "/api/v1/bar" >=> text "bar"
        setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Not found"
    ] : HttpHandler

Nested Response Writing

The Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions module exposes a default set of response writing functions which extend the HttpContext object. Instead of using the customJson, json, xml, or text handlers to compose a custom HttpHandler you can also use the WriteJsonAsync, WriteXmlAsync and WriteTextAsync extension methods to directly write to the response of the HttpContext and close the pipeline.


ctx.WriteJsonAsync someObj can be used to return a JSON response back to the client. Alternatively you can use ctx.WriteJsonAsync (settings : JsoSerializerSettings) someObj to customize the generated JSON before sending the response back to the client.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let myJsonHandler : HttpHandler =
    fun next ctx ->
        let person = { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }
        ctx.WriteJsonAsync person

let app =
    choose [
        route "/json" >=> myJsonHandler


ctx.WriteXmlAsync someObj can be used to return an XML response back to the client.


type Person =
        FirstName : string
        LastName  : string

let myXmlHandler : HttpHandler =
    fun next ctx ->
        let person = { FirstName = "Foo"; LastName = "Bar" }
        ctx.WriteXmlAsync person

let app =
    choose [
        route "/xml" >=> myXmlHandler


ctx.WriteTextAsync "some text" can be used to return a plain text response back to the client.


let myTextHandler : HttpHandler =
    fun next ctx ->
        let str = "Hello World"
        ctx.WriteTextAsync str

let app =
    choose [
        route "/text" >=> myTextHandler


ctx.RenderHtmlAsync someNode can be used to return a XmlViewEngine node.


let myHtmlHandler =
    fun (next: HttpFunc) (ctx: HttpContext) ->
        let htmlDoc =
            html [] [
                head [] []
                body [] [
                    h1 [] [EncodedText "Hello world"]

let app =
    choose [
        route "/html" >=> myHtmlHandler


ctx.ReturnHtmlFileAsync "./myPage.html" can be used to return a html file. Note that the path should be relative, similar to htmlFile.


let htmlFileHandler  =
    fun (next:HttpFunc) (ctx:HttpContext) ->
        ctx.ReturnHtmlFileAsync "./index.html"

let app =
    choose [
        route "/htmlFile" >=> htmlFileHandler

Model Binding

The Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions module exposes a default set of model binding functions which extend the HttpContext object.


ctx.BindJsonAsync<'T>() can be used to bind a JSON payload to a strongly typed model. Alternatively you can pass in an additional object of type JsonSerializerSettings to customize the JSON deserialisation during model binding.


Define an F# record type with the CLIMutable attribute which will add a parameterless constructor to the type:

type Car =
        Name   : string
        Make   : string
        Wheels : int
        Built  : DateTime

Then create a new HttpHandler which uses BindJsonAsync and use it from an app:

open Giraffe.HttpHandlers
open Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions

let submitCar =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        task {
            // Binds a JSON payload to a Car object
            let! car = ctx.BindJsonAsync<Car>()

            // Serializes the Car object back into JSON
            // and sends it back as the response.
            return! json car next ctx

let webApp =
    choose [
        GET >=>
            choose [
                route "/"    >=> text "index"
                route "ping" >=> text "pong" ]
        POST >=> route "/car" >=> submitCar ]

You can test the bind function by sending a HTTP request with a JSON payload:

POST http://localhost:5000/car HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 77
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*

{ "name": "DB9", "make": "Aston Martin", "wheels": 4, "built": "2016-01-01" }


ctx.BindXmlAsync<'T>() can be used to bind an XML payload to a strongly typed model.


Define an F# record type with the CLIMutable attribute which will add a parameterless constructor to the type:

type Car =
        Name   : string
        Make   : string
        Wheels : int
        Built  : DateTime

Then create a new HttpHandler which uses BindXmlAsync and use it from an app:

open Giraffe.HttpHandlers
open Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions

let submitCar =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        task {
            // Binds an XML payload to a Car object
            let! car = ctx.BindXmlAsync<Car>()

            // Serializes the Car object back into JSON
            // and sends it back as the response.
            return! json car next ctx

let webApp =
    choose [
        GET >=>
            choose [
                route "/"    >=> text "index"
                route "ping" >=> text "pong" ]
        POST >=> route "/car" >=> submitCar ]

You can test the bind function by sending a HTTP request with an XML payload:

POST http://localhost:5000/car HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 104
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: */*

    <Make>Aston Martin</Make>


ctx.BindFormAsync<'T>() can be used to bind a form urlencoded payload to a strongly typed model.


Define an F# record type with the CLIMutable attribute which will add a parameterless constructor to the type:

type Car =
        Name   : string
        Make   : string
        Wheels : int
        Built  : DateTime

Then create a new HttpHandler which uses BindFormAsync and use it from an app:

open Giraffe.HttpHandlers
open Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions

let submitCar =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        task {
            // Binds a form urlencoded payload to a Car object
            let! car = ctx.BindFormAsync<Car>()

            // Serializes the Car object back into JSON
            // and sends it back as the response.
            return! json car next ctx

let webApp =
    choose [
        GET >=>
            choose [
                route "/"    >=> text "index"
                route "ping" >=> text "pong" ]
        POST >=> route "/car" >=> submitCar ]

You can test the bind function by sending a HTTP request with a form payload:

POST http://localhost:5000/car HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 52
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: */*



ctx.BindQueryString<'T>() can be used to bind a query string to a strongly typed model.


Define an F# record type with the CLIMutable attribute which will add a parameterless constructor to the type:

type Car =
        Name   : string
        Make   : string
        Wheels : int
        Built  : DateTime

Then create a new HttpHandler which uses BindQueryString and use it from an app:

open Giraffe.HttpHandlers
open Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions

let submitCar =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        task {
            // Binds a query string to a Car object
            let car = ctx.BindQueryString<Car>()

            // Serializes the Car object back into JSON
            // and sends it back as the response.
            return! json car next ctx

let webApp =
    choose [
        GET >=>
            choose [
                route "/"    >=> text "index"
                route "ping" >=> text "pong"
                route "/car" >=> submitCar ]

You can test the bind function by sending a HTTP request with a query string:

GET http://localhost:5000/car?Name=Aston%20Martin&Make=DB9&Wheels=4&Built=1990-04-20 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Cache-Control: no-cache
Accept: */*


ctx.BindModelAsync<'T>() can be used to automatically detect the method and Content-Type of a HTTP request and automatically bind a JSON, XML,or form urlencoded payload or a query string to a strongly typed model. Alternatively you can pass in an additional object of type JsonSerializerSettings to customize the JSON deserializer during model binding.


Define an F# record type with the CLIMutable attribute which will add a parameterless constructor to the type:

type Car =
        Name   : string
        Make   : string
        Wheels : int
        Built  : DateTime

Then create a new HttpHandler which uses BindModelAsync and use it from an app:

open Giraffe.HttpHandlers
open Giraffe.HttpContextExtensions

let submitCar =
    fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) ->
        task {
            // Binds a JSON, XML or form urlencoded payload to a Car object
            let! car = ctx.BindModelAsync<Car>()

            // Serializes the Car object back into JSON
            // and sends it back as the response.
            return! json car next ctx

let webApp =
    choose [
        GET >=>
            choose [
                route "/"    >=> text "index"
                route "ping" >=> text "pong" ]
        // Can accept GET and POST requests and
        // bind a model from the payload or query string
        route "/car" >=> submitCar ]

Error Handling

Similar to building a web application in Giraffe you can also set a global error handler, which can react to any unhandled exception of your web application.

The ErrorHandler is a function which accepts an exception object and a default logger and returns a HttpHandler function which is the same as all other HttpHandler functions in Giraffe:

type ErrorHandler = exn -> ILogger -> HttpHandler

For example you could create an error handler which logs the unhandled exception and returns a HTTP 500 response with the error message as plain text:

let errorHandler (ex : Exception) (logger : ILogger) =
    logger.LogError(EventId(), ex, "An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.")
    >=> setStatusCode 500
    >=> text ex.Message

In order to enable the error handler you have to configure the error handler in your application startup:

type Startup() =
    member __.Configure (app : IApplicationBuilder)
                        (env : IHostingEnvironment)
                        (loggerFactory : ILoggerFactory) =
        app.UseGiraffeErrorHandler errorHandler
        app.UseGiraffe webApp

It is recommended to set the error handler as the first middleware in the pipeline, so that any unhandled exception from a later middleware can be caught and processed by the error handling function.


Using dotnet-new

The easiest way to get started with Giraffe is by installing the giraffe-template NuGet package, which adds a new template to your dotnet new command:

dotnet new -i "giraffe-template::*"

Afterwards you can create a new Giraffe application by running dotnet new giraffe.

Doing it manually

Install the Giraffe NuGet package:

PM> Install-Package Giraffe

Create a web application and plug it into the ASP.NET Core middleware:

open Giraffe.HttpHandlers
open Giraffe.Middleware

let webApp =
    choose [
        route "/ping"   >=> text "pong"
        route "/"       >=> htmlFile "/pages/index.html" ]

type Startup() =
    member __.Configure (app : IApplicationBuilder)
                        (env : IHostingEnvironment)
                        (loggerFactory : ILoggerFactory) =

        app.UseGiraffe webApp

Sample applications

Demo apps

There are three basic sample applications in the /samples folder. The IdentityApp demonstrates how ASP.NET Core Identity can be used with Giraffe, the JwtApp shows how to configure JWT tokens in Giraffe and the SampleApp is a generic sample application covering multiple features.

Live apps

An example of a live website which uses Giraffe is It uses the XmlViewEngine to build dynamically rich SVG images and Docker to run the application in the Google Container Engine (see GitHub repository).

More sample applications will be added in the future.


Currently Giraffe has only been tested against a simple plain text route and measured the total amount of handled requests per second. The latest result yielded an average of 79093 req/s over a period of 10 seconds, which was only closely after plain Kestrel which was capable of handling 79399 req/s on average.

Please check out Jimmy Byrd's dotnet-web-benchmarks for more details.

Building and developing

Giraffe is built with the latest .NET Core SDK.

You can either install Visual Studio 2017 which comes with the latest SDK or manually download and install the .NET SDK 2.0.

After installation you should be able to run the .\build.ps1 script to successfully build, test and package the library.

The build script supports the following flags:

  • -IncludeTests will build and run the tests project as well
  • -IncludeSamples will build and test the samples project as well
  • -All will build and test all projects
  • -Release will build Giraffe with the Release configuration
  • -Pack will create a NuGet package for Giraffe and giraffe-template.
  • -OnlyNetStandard will build Giraffe only targeting the NETStandard1.6 framework


Only build the Giraffe project in Debug mode:

PS > .\build.ps1

Build the Giraffe project in Release mode:

PS > .\build.ps1 -Release

Build the Giraffe project in Debug mode and also build and run the tests project:

PS > .\build.ps1 -IncludeTests

Same as before, but also build and test the samples project:

PS > .\build.ps1 -IncludeTests -IncludeSamples

One switch to build and test all projects:

PS > .\build.ps1 -All

Build and test all projects, use the Release build configuration and create all NuGet packages:

PS > .\build.ps1 -Release -All -Pack

Building on Linux or macOS

In order to successfully run the build script on Linux or macOS you will have to install PowerShell for Linux or Mac.

Additionally you will have to install the latest version of Mono and execute the ./ script which will set the correct FrameworkPathOverride before subsequently executing the ./build.ps1 PowerShell script.

Development environment

Currently the best way to work with F# on .NET Core is to use Visual Studio Code with the Ionide extension. Intellisense and debugging is supported with the latest versions of both.


Help and feedback is always welcome and pull requests get accepted.

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via an open issue before submitting a pull request. For new feature requests please describe your idea in more detail and how it could benefit other users as well.

Please be aware that Giraffe strictly aims to remain as light as possible while providing generic functionality for building functional web applications. New feature work must be applicable to a broader user base and if this requirement cannot be met sufficiently then a pull request might get rejected. In the case of doubt the maintainer will rather reject a potentially useful feature than adding one too many. This measure is to protect the repository from feature bloat over time and shall not be taken personally.

When making changes please use existing code as a guideline for coding style and documentation. If you intend to add or change an existing HttpHandler then please update the file to reflect these changes there as well. If applicable unit tests must be added or updated and the project must successfully build before a pull request can be accepted.

If you have any further questions please let me know.

You can file an issue on GitHub or contact me via


Special thanks to all developers who helped me by submitting pull requests with new feature work, bug fixes and other improvements to keep the project in good shape (in no particular order):

  • slang25 (Added subRoute feature and general help to keep things in good shape)
  • Nicolás Herrera (Added razor engine feature)
  • Dave Shaw (Extended sample application and general help to keep things in good shape)
  • Tobias Burger (Fixed issues with culture specific parsers)
  • David Sinclair (Created the dotnet-new template for Giraffe and fixed the default JSON formatting during serialization)
  • Florian Verdonck (Ported Suave's experimental Html into Giraffe, implemented the warbler and general help with the project as well as feature development)
  • Roman Melnikov (Added redirectTo route)
  • Diego B. Fernandez (Added support for the Option<'T> type in the query string model binding)
  • Jimmy Byrd (Added Linux builds)
  • Jon Canning (Moved the Razor and DotLiquid http handlers into separate NuGet packages and added the routeBind handler as well as some useful HttpContext extensions and bug fixes)
  • Andrew Grant (Fixed bug in the giraffe-template NuGet package)
  • Gerard (Changed the API to continuations instead of binding HttpHandlers and to tasks from async. Also added the TokenRouter feature and awful lot of general help and community support)
  • Mitchell Tilbrook (Helped to fix documentation)
  • Ody Mbegbu (Helped to improve the giraffe-template)
  • Reed Mullanix (Helped with bug fixes)
  • Lukas Nordin (Helped with bug fixes)
  • Banashek (Migrated Giraffe to .NET Core 2.0)
  • Yevhenii Tsalko (Migrated sample app to .NET Core 2.0)
  • Tor Hovland (Helped with the sample applications, demonstrating CORS, JWT and configuration options)
  • dawedawe (README fixes)
  • Dragan Jovanović (Changed the UseGiraffeErrorHandler method to allow chaining of middleware and added policy based auth handlers)
  • Viquoc Quan (Fixed bug in giraffe-template)
  • Kerry Jones (Helped to fix bugs and added custom JSON serialization support)
  • Steffen Forkmann (Improved the htmlFile http handler and ported Suave's status code handlers as well as general help with the project)

If you submit a pull request please feel free to add yourself to this list as part of the PR.

Blog posts

If you have blogged about Giraffe, demonstrating a useful topic or some other tips or tricks then please feel free to submit a pull request and add your article to this list as a reference for other Giraffe users. Thank you!



Apache 2.0

Contact and Slack Channel

If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to me via any of the mentioned social media on or join the #giraffe Slack channel in the Functional Programming Slack Team. Please use this link to request an invitation to the Functional Programming Slack Team.


A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.







No packages published


  • F# 97.0%
  • PowerShell 2.8%
  • Other 0.2%