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Parisien Transforms #921

Seanny123 opened this issue Dec 11, 2015 · 16 comments

Parisien Transforms #921

Seanny123 opened this issue Dec 11, 2015 · 16 comments


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An example implementing a Parisien transform in Nengo should be created (and included in utils?), as discussed in the meeting today. According to Chris, it's used to go from a network with positive and negative weights, to something more biologically plausible. It's described in this paper.

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Tagging myself here because I had an idea for how to fix the fact that this transform introduces additional filtering (and error propagation) with the intermediate population.

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ah kewl, yeah makes sense you could account for the delay!

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Has anyone looked at optimizing the E->I connection (rather than just setting it as a uniform constant connection weights)? It feels like you could do something like backprop there.....

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This would also be something good to think about when figuring out what sort of build-process hooks we want: #869

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I really should get around to doing this. I was just reminded up it by Chris posting this paper, which does some nice analysis of what happens with pure inhibitory connections, and would be a good resource for implementing this...

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tcstewar commented Apr 21, 2016

Here's a quick implementation of the standard Parisien transform in Nengo 2.0

def parisien_transform(conn, model, inh_synapse, inh_proportion=0.25):
    # only works for ens->ens connections
    assert isinstance(conn.pre_obj, nengo.Ensemble)
    assert isinstance(conn.post_obj, nengo.Ensemble)    

    # make sure the pre and post ensembles have seeds so we can guarantee their params
    if conn.pre_obj.seed is None:
        conn.pre_obj.seed = np.random.randint(0x7FFFFFFF)
    if conn.post_obj.seed is None:
        conn.post_obj.seed = np.random.randint(0x7FFFFFFF)

    # compute the encoders, decoders, and tuning curves
    model2 = nengo.Network(add_to_container=False)
    sim = nengo.Simulator(model2)
    enc =[conn.post_obj].encoders
    dec =[conn].weights
    eval_points =[conn].eval_points
    pts, act = nengo.utils.ensemble.tuning_curves(conn.pre_obj, sim, inputs=eval_points)

    # compute the original weights
    transform = nengo.utils.builder.full_transform(conn)
    w =,, dec))

    # compute the bias function, bias encoders, bias decoders, and bias weights
    total = np.sum(act, axis=1)    
    bias_d = np.ones(conn.pre_obj.n_neurons) / np.max(total)    
    bias_func = total / np.max(total)    
    bias_e = np.max(-w / bias_d, axis=1)
    bias_w = np.outer(bias_e, bias_d)

    # add the new model compontents
    with model:
        nengo.Connection(conn.pre_obj.neurons, conn.post_obj.neurons,

        inh = nengo.Ensemble(n_neurons = int(conn.pre_obj.n_neurons*inh_proportion),
                             dimensions = 1,
                             encoders = nengo.dists.Choice([[1]]),
                             intercepts= nengo.dists.Uniform(0, 1))

        nengo.Connection(conn.pre_obj, inh, 
                         **nengo.utils.connection.target_function(pts, bias_func))

        nengo.Connection(inh, conn.post_obj.neurons,

And here's how to use it:

model = nengo.Network()
with model:
    stim = nengo.Node(lambda t: np.sin(t*np.pi*2))
    a = nengo.Ensemble(100, 1)
    b = nengo.Ensemble(101, 1)

    nengo.Connection(stim, a)
    conn = nengo.Connection(a, b)

parisien_transform(conn, model, inh_synapse=conn.synapse) 

This should handle slices, functions, and transforms on the Connection too!

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Bump; is this the most recent implementation, or has anything else been done since in this direction?

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I think this may be slightly more recent:

I also just committed a change I made ages ago to fix the incorrect synapses in that example......

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arvoelke commented Oct 24, 2017


So, I finally got around to trying the secret approach I mentioned at the top of this thread. The idea is to implement a custom solver that declares (arbitrarily) that the first p_inh percent neurons from pre will be inhibitory, the rest of pre will be excitatory, and then constrains the weight matrix accordingly. This turns out to be a convex optimization problem that can be solved (albeit a little slowly) using cvxpy:

import time

import cvxpy
import numpy as np

from nengo.params import NumberParam
from nengo.solvers import Solver

class DalesSolver(Solver):
    """Solves for weights subject to Dale's principle."""
    # TODO: needs testing (e.g., transforms), support for slicing

    p_inh = NumberParam('p_inh', low=0, high=1)
    def __init__(self, p_inh=0.2):
        super(DalesSolver, self).__init__(weights=True)
        self.p_inh = p_inh

    def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None):
        pre_n_neurons = A.shape[1]
        post_n_neurons = E.shape[1]
        tstart = time.time()
        i = int(self.p_inh * pre_n_neurons)

        W = cvxpy.Variable(pre_n_neurons, post_n_neurons)
        objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
            cvxpy.sum_entries(cvxpy.square(A*W -
        constraints = [W[:i, :] <= 0,
                       W[i:, :] >= 0]
        prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
        value = prob.solve()

        # Do an extra clip for minor numerical reasons
        W = np.asarray(W.value)
        W[:i, :] = W[:i, :].clip(None, 0)
        W[i:, :] = W[i:, :].clip(0, None)

        return W, {
            'time': time.time() - tstart,
            'status': prob.status,
            'cost': value,
            'i': i,}

and then used as follows:

nengo.Connection(a, b, solver=DalesSolver(p_inh))

The main benefit of this approach is that it does not introduce an intermediate ensemble with an additional round of filtering, and should therefore be preferable for situations where timing is important (e.g., Principle 3). It also appears to be slightly more accurate for the communication channel example I tried (based on Terry's code above), using 50 neurons, and averaged over 25 trials. The number of neurons are fixed between the two approaches to be fair.


Simulation time is about equal between the two approaches. The main reason training time is slow is because it solves for the all-to-all weight matrix. Note that (unless the post encoders are constrained to something like a single quadrant of the hypersphere), we can't find any decoders that have positive similarity with every encoder. Thus, the solution I took is to multiply the targets Y by the encoders E and solve for the all-to-all W. This bypasses the need to find decoders, while still implementing the desired function and encoding with respect to the post object.

Initially, I thought that the difference in accuracy was mostly due to the fact that I haven't added an L2 penalty term to my cost function. It is hard to be completely fair with regularization when using different solvers. However, I tried switching the solver in the Parisien approach to Lstsq, so that neither of us explicitly regularize, and this made the Parisien error increase significantly! Thus, some other tweaking may be needed in order to balance the accuracy of these two approaches. On the other hand, regularizing my solver should make it even better. It's also not surprising that the DalesSolver is better since it uses all n_neurons to encode the input, avoids amplifying the error through an intermediate representation, and does not change the timing.


Things that would be nice to have:

  • Unit tests (e.g., slicing, transforms, and connecting to things that should give an appropriate error)
  • Benchmark tests (to compare the two approaches more carefully)
  • Regularization term(s)
  • Improved training time
  • Reclaim the simulation speed advantage by factoring W using SVD and then using the top d + k modes as fake encoders and decoders
  • Optimize which neurons are chosen to be inhibitory. This is a MIP which is infeasible (NP-hard) to optimize. It can be relaxed in several ways. One way is to flip the "type" of neurons with low L2-norms, retrain, and keep iterating. Another way is to relax the integer variables to floats in [0, 1] (representing how inhibitory each neuron can be), and then round and retrain. There is extensive literature on such approximate relaxation techniques.

And... here is my benchmarking code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import nengo
from nengo.utils.numpy import rmse

from nengolib import DoubleExp

def go(seed, n_neurons=100, p_inh=0.20,
       u = lambda t: (np.sin(t*2*np.pi*3) / np.sqrt(2),
                      np.cos(t*2*np.pi*5) / np.sqrt(2)),
       tau=0.005, tau_probe=0.03, T=2.0, verbose=False):

    # p_inh is the proportion of *total pre* neurons that are inhibitory
    # inh_proportion is a different quantity (n_inhibitory/n_excitatory)
    # which is related as follows:
    inh_proportion = p_inh / (1 - p_inh)
    assert np.allclose(p_inh, inh_proportion / (1 + inh_proportion))
    n_neurons_cmp = n_neurons*(1 - p_inh)  # for parisien_transform
    assert np.allclose(n_neurons_cmp*(1 + inh_proportion), n_neurons)

    with nengo.Network(seed=seed) as model:
        # model.config[nengo.Connection].solver = nengo.solvers.Lstsq()

        stim = nengo.Node(u)
        a1 = nengo.Ensemble(int(n_neurons_cmp), 2)
        a2 = nengo.Ensemble(n_neurons, 2)
        b1 = nengo.Ensemble(n_neurons, 2)
        b2 = nengo.Ensemble(n_neurons, 2)

        nengo.Connection(stim, a1, synapse=None)
        nengo.Connection(stim, a2, synapse=None)
        conn1 = nengo.Connection(a1, b1, synapse=tau)
        conn2 = nengo.Connection(a2, b2, synapse=tau, solver=DalesSolver(p_inh))

        p_stim = nengo.Probe(stim, synapse=DoubleExp(tau, tau_probe))
        p1 = nengo.Probe(b1, synapse=tau_probe)
        p2 = nengo.Probe(b2, synapse=tau_probe)       

        conn1, model, inh_synapse=conn1.synapse, inh_proportion=inh_proportion) 

    with nengo.Simulator(model, progress_bar=verbose) as sim:, progress_bar=verbose)
    # Check that Dale's principle has been satisfied
    W =[conn2].weights
    i =[conn2].solver_info['i']
    assert W.shape == (b2.n_neurons, a2.n_neurons)
    assert np.all(W[:, :i] <= 0)
    assert np.all(W[:, i:] >= 0)
    rmses = (rmse([p_stim],[p1], axis=0),
             rmse([p_stim],[p2], axis=0))

    if verbose:
        print ("Solver Info:",[conn2].solver_info)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(6, 10))
        for i in range(2):
            ax[i].plot(sim.trange(),[p_stim], linestyle='--')
        ax[0].set_title("parisien_transform (RMSE=%s)" % rmses[0].round(3))
        ax[1].set_title("DalesSolver (RMSE=%s)" % rmses[1].round(3))
        ax[1].set_xlabel("Time (s)")

    return rmses
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

num_trials = 25

data = []
for seed in range(num_trials):
    rmses = go(seed=seed, n_neurons=50)
    for i, method in enumerate(("parisien_transform", "DalesSolver")):
        for dimension in range(2):
            data.append([rmses[i][dimension], method, str(dimension)])

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["RMSE", "Method", "Dimension"])

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.boxplot(x="Dimension", y="RMSE", hue="Method", data=df)

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Awesome! That's a nice way to do it....

If we want a few more benchmark tasks, we can use the nengo_benchmarks if we also pass them through (which can get rid of passthrough nodes, so everything's an Ensemble->Ensemble connection).....

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hunse commented Oct 27, 2017

You could also pose this as a NNLS problem by making the activities for the inhibitory neurons negative, and having all positive weights. Then you could use a solver like the one in Scipy. Not sure if it would be any faster, but it is a more specific problem than the one you're posing to cvxpy, so I could see it being more efficient.

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arvoelke commented Oct 27, 2017

You could also pose this as a NNLS problem by making the activities for the inhibitory neurons negative, and having all positive weights. Then you could use a solver like the one in Scipy.

I like this idea. Assuming you're talking about doing this for a full-weight matrix (i.e., AW ~= YE) and flipping the weights from the inhibitory neurons after solving, this should be an equivalent convex problem to the one given to cvxpy. I assume it's smart enough to do the needed transformations and use the best solver for the task (that's how they advertise their own library), but an actual head-to-head comparison is easy enough to try.

@celiasmith suggested looking at the distribution of weights that we get from using this to implement an integrator. But first, I added L2-regularization by changing the objective function to:

        objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
            cvxpy.sum_entries(cvxpy.square(A*W - +

with lmbda = self.reg*A.max() and self.reg = 1..

import nengo

tau = 0.1
tau_probe = 0.005
dt = 0.001

with nengo.Network(seed=0) as model:
    stim = nengo.Node(output=lambda t: 2*np.pi*5*np.cos(2*np.pi*5*t))
    x = nengo.Ensemble(100, 1)

    # Discrete Principle 3 (Voelker & Eliasmith, 2017; eq 21)
    nengo.Connection(stim, x, transform=dt / (1 - np.exp(-dt/tau)), synapse=tau)
    conn = nengo.Connection(x, x, synapse=tau, solver=DalesSolver())
    p_stim = nengo.Probe(stim, synapse=tau_probe)
    p_x = nengo.Probe(x, synapse=tau_probe)

with nengo.Simulator(model, dt=dt) as sim:
print("Solver Info:",[conn].solver_info)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nengo.utils.numpy import rmse

ideal = np.cumsum([p_stim], axis=0)*dt

plt.title("RMSE: %s" % (rmse([p_x], ideal)))
plt.plot(sim.trange(), ideal, linestyle='--', lw=5)
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[p_x], alpha=0.5)

download 3

import seaborn as sns

W =[conn].weights
i =[conn].solver_info['i']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 8))
for axis, sW, label in (
        (ax[0, 0], W[:i, :i], "I->I"),
        (ax[0, 1], W[:i, i:], "E->I"),
        (ax[1, 0], W[i:, :i], "I->E"),
        (ax[1, 1], W[i:, i:], "E->E"),):
    sparsity = len(np.where(np.abs(sW.flatten()) < 1e-8)[0]) / float(sW.size)
    axis.set_title("%s (%d%% sparsity)" % (label, 100*sparsity))
    sns.heatmap(sW, ax=axis, center=0, cmap="BrBG",
                xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False)

download 4

The above visualizes the block structure of W. One notable result is the differences in sparsity that this produces. 35% of the connection weights are approximately 0 for inhibitory neurons, and 68% for excitatory. A somewhat surprising result is that the amount of sparsity is nearly identical between the two target populations in both cases. I tried this with different seeds and got the same result (+/- 2%). Different numbers of neurons shifts these two percentages, but again they are fixed across the two receiving types.

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I tried your suggestion @hunse and it sped things up by a factor of ~50x for 50 neurons! I guess cvxpy is not being clever in this case. :( I just replaced the cvxpy code with the following:

        from scipy.optimize import nnls
        A[:, :i] *= (-1)
        W = np.empty((pre_n_neurons, post_n_neurons))
        J =
        for j in range(post_n_neurons):
            W[:, j], _ = nnls(A, J[:, j])
        W[:i, :] *= (-1)

The accuracy is the same (without regularization). To add regularization we can do the same thing you did for nengo.solvers.NnlsL2.

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Contributor Author

@arvoelke is it okay if I take this parisien transform code and make a PR into nengo_extras? Alternatively, were you looking to make it a part of nengo_lib?

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I was not so that's fine by me. You may want to use the above version (without cvxpy) because it's faster, and to also transpose the approach from NnlsL2 to get a version with L2-regularization.

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arvoelke commented Jun 8, 2019

For reference sake, a bunch of the above is extended / tested / compared in and featured in

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