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Code for INTERSPEECH 2023 paper "mdctGAN: Taming transformer-based GAN for speech super-resolution with Modified DCT spectra"


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mdctGAN: Taming transformer-based GAN for speech super-resolution with Modified DCT spectra

By: Chenhao Shuai, Chaohua Shi, Lu Gan and Hongqing Liu
Accepted in the INTERSPEECH 2023 [arXiv]


  • bottleneck_transformer_pytorch==0.1.4
  • dominate
  • einops
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • Pillow
  • scipy
  • torch
  • torchaudio
  • torchvision
  • torch_scatter (Optional if you want to use FastMDCT4)

Pretrained Models

HF Models

Data Preparation

Firstly, for excessively long speech audio file, we recommend that you remove long gaps and split it into smaller segments. Other than this no other pre-processing is required, the program will automatically sample a random section from the longer audio file.

It also automatically resamples the high sample rate audio to the low sample rate and upsamples it again to the target sample rate. This process simulates the loss of speech after downsampling. And up-sampling again aligns the low-res audio with the original high sample rate audio. So you don't need to manually resample the original audio.

Secondly, Prepare your dataset index file like this (VCTK dataset example):


Save it to the root directory of your dataset as a text file and the program will splice the parent folder of index file with the relative path of the records in the file. You can also find the index file used in our experiments in data/train.csv.


Modify & run sh Detailed explanation of args can be found in options/ and options/

Parameter Name Description
--name Name of the experiment. It decides where to store samples and models.
--dataroot Path to your train set csv file.
--evalroot Path to your eval set csv file.
--lr_sampling_rate Input Low-res sampling rate. It will be automatically resampled to this value.
--sr_sampling_rate Target super-resolution sampling rate.
--fp16 Train with Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP).
--nThreads Number of threads for loading data.
--lr Initial learning rate for the Adam optimizer.
--arcsinh_transform Use $\log(x+\sqrt{x^2+1})$ to compress the range of input.
--abs_spectro Use the absolute value of the spectrogram.
--arcsinh_gain Gain parameter for the arcsinh_transform.
--center Centered MDCT.
--norm_range Specify the target distribution range.
--abs_norm Assume the spectrograms are all distributed in a fixed range. Normalize by an absolute range.
--src_range Specify the source distribution range. Used when --abs_norm is specified.
--netG Select the model to use for netG.
--ngf Number of generator filters in the first conv layer.
--n_downsample_global Number of downsampling layers in netG.
--n_blocks_global Number of residual blocks in the global generator network.
--n_blocks_attn_g Number of attention blocks in the global generator network.
--dim_head_g Dimension of attention heads in the global generator network.
--heads_g Number of attention heads in the global generator network.
--proj_factor_g Projection factor of attention blocks in the global generator network.
--n_blocks_local Number of residual blocks in the local enhancer network.
--n_blocks_attn_l Number of attention blocks in the local enhancer network.
--fit_residual If specified, fit $HR-LR$ than directly fit $HR$.
--upsample_type Select upsampling layers for netG. Supported options: interpolate, transconv.
--downsample_type Select downsampling layers for netG. Supported options: resconv, conv.
--num_D Number of discriminators to use.
--eval_freq Frequency of evaluating metrics.
--save_latest_freq Frequency of saving the latest results.
--save_epoch_freq Frequency of saving checkpoints at the end of epochs.
--display_freq Frequency of showing training results on screen.
--tf_log If specified, use TensorBoard logging. Requires TensorFlow installed.

Evaluate & Generate audio

Modify & run sh


This code repository refers heavily to the official pix2pixHD implementation. Also, this work is based on an improved version of my undergraduate Final Year Project, see: pix2pixHDAudioSR


Try FastMDCT4/FastIMDCT4 in models/ to have faster MDCT conversion. You can use FastMDCT4 as an in-place replacement for MDCT4, or modify the import statement in models/ to from .mdct import FastMDCT4 as MDCT4, FastIMDCT4 as IMDCT4

On my computer (RTX3070 laptop, Intel Core i7 11800H), each forward transformation saves 2ms.

sig = torch.randn(64,32512, device='cuda')
%timeit -r 20 -n 500 mdct(sig)
# 9.61 ms ± 643 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 20 runs, 500 loops each)
%timeit -r 20 -n 500 fast_mdct(sig)
# 7.68 ms ± 691 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 20 runs, 500 loops each)


Code for INTERSPEECH 2023 paper "mdctGAN: Taming transformer-based GAN for speech super-resolution with Modified DCT spectra"







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