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⚠️ Whilst we make some improvements to our mobile experiences, we’ve temporarily removed the EMV 3DS SDK. Please contact to obtain the files you need.

Payment SDK for Android


Build Status


Android API Level:

Android SDK and the sample merchant app support a minimum API level 19 (Android Kitkat). For more details, please refer to Android API level requirements online


Android SDK supports English and Arabic.


allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
  // Required
  implementation ''

  // For card payment
  implementation ''

  //For samsung payment
  implementation ''


This module contains the common interfaces and classes used by the other SDK modules.


This SDK contains the Android Pay Page source code for card payment. The module handles getting card details from the User, and submitting payment requests to the Payment Gateway. If 3D Secure is required with the existing payment flow, this will be handled by the page page as well. A successful or failed payment response will be returned to merchant app in an Intent bundle.


This SDK contains the Samsung Pay source code for samsung in-app payment journey.

Card integration

SDK provides the PaymentClient class to launch various payment methods and get payment in the merchant app. PaymentClient requires an activity instance parameter to be instantiated. Please see the sample app for more details about using PaymentClient. It requires an activity instance rather than a Context since card payment result could only return the result to a calling activity.

The following code shows how to construct PaymentClient by passing an Activity reference:

class PaymentClient(private val context: Activity)

Card API

SDK provides a very simple API to be able to get payment using debit or credit cards.

PaymentClient.launchCardPayment(request: CardPaymentRequest, requestCode: Int)

The card payment API internally launches another activity to get card details from the user, and control payment/3D Secure flows between the payment gateway and the merchant app. Once payment flow completes, onActivityResult is called on merchant’s activity (which is passed in constructor) and CardPaymentData type is returned in the data Intent. requestCode is used to filter out activity result requests to find out where activity response comes from. Please see HomeActivity.onActivityResult for more details in the sample merchant app or refer to the following code snippet to learn how to handle card payment response in your merchant app.

override fun onActivityResult(
  requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    if (requestCode == CARD_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE) {
      when (resultCode) {
        Activity.RESULT_OK -> onCardPaymentResponse(CardPaymentData.getFromIntent(data!!))
        Activity.RESULT_CANCELED -> onCardPaymentCancelled()

You may notice that requestCode parameter is the same value as we already passed on to launchCardPayment method. If the User presses the Back button and cancels the card payment flow, RESULT_CANCELED is returned as an activity resultcode.

Result Code in CardPaymentData

View the following code snippet to see how merchant app handles result code in CardPaymentData

override fun onCardPaymentResponse(data: CardPaymentData) {
  when (data.code) {
    CardPaymentData.STATUS_PAYMENT_CAPTURED -> {
    CardPaymentData.STATUS_PAYMENT_FAILED -> {
      view.showError("Payment failed")
    CardPaymentData.STATUS_GENERIC_ERROR -> {
      view.showError("Generic error(${data.reason})")
    else -> IllegalArgumentException("Unknown payment response (${data.reason})")

Result Codes Every possible result code is checked, and an appropriate action is taken:

  • STATUS_PAYMENT_CAPTURED shows order creation with “SALE” action parameter is successful.
  • STATUS_PAYMENT_AUTHORIZED shows order creation with “AUTH” action parameter is successful.
  • STATUS_PAYMENT_FAILED shows payment is not successful on payment gateway.
  • STATUS_GENERIC_ERROR: shows possible issues on the client side, for instance, network is not accessible or an unexpected error occurs.

Saved Card Payment

The saved card token serves as a secure means to facilitate payments through the SDK. For comprehensive instructions and illustrative code samples, please consult the detailed guide available here.

Customizing SDK

Customize pay button

You can utilize the shouldShowOrderAmount method to control the visibility of the amount on the pay button. The default value is set to true.


Optional Alert dialog

To enhance user experience, you can prompt an alert dialog when users attempt to close the payment page. This feature can be enabled or disabled using the shouldShowCancelAlert configuration method.


Customizing Colors in Payment

To customize the colors in the Payment SDK for Android, developers can override specific color resources. please refer to detailed guide here

Samsung pay integration

Integrating Samsung Pay into your app is a straightforward process, similar to card payment integration. Follow these steps to seamlessly implement Samsung Pay:

  1. Refer to the Integration Guide: To begin, consult our comprehensive Samsung Pay Integration Guide. This guide provides detailed instructions and examples to help you integrate Samsung Pay effectively into your application.

  2. Troubleshooting and FAQs: If you encounter any issues during the integration process or have questions about Samsung Pay integration, please check our Troubleshooting and FAQs section. Here, you'll find answers to common questions and solutions to common challenges.

Attempt threeDSTwo on a payment

paymentClient.executeThreeDS(paymentResponse: PaymentResponse, requestCode: Int)

override fun onActivityResult(
    requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    if (requestCode == CARD_PAYMENT_REQUEST_CODE) {
        when (resultCode) {
            Activity.RESULT_OK -> onCardPaymentResponse(CardPaymentData.getFromIntent(data!!))
            Activity.RESULT_CANCELED -> onCardPaymentCancelled()

Use the above method to execute threeDS frictionless or challenge for a paymentResponse. Once the threeDS operation is completed, the onActivityResult method is called with the requestedCode and a CardPaymentResponse object is passed as the data element in the third argument. Use the same flow as handling a card response to assert the state of the payment for the order as shown in the previous section.

Debugging build issues in your app

Payment failure after card information is submitted

Ensure your merchant account has EMV 3DS 2.0 enabled. Get in touch with our support to enable.

Missing required architecture x86_64 in file...

You need to compile and execute the project on a real device. The SDK is not compatible to be run on a simulator

Duplicate class issue

If you see the following error Duplicate class com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.KeyOperation found in modules jetified-ni-three-ds-two-android-sdk-1.0-runtime You need to identify another dependency in your app that has the same com.nimbusds.jose library and remove the duplicate copy

For more details please refer to sample app integration SamsungPayPresenter.kt