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Customizing Colors in Payment SDK for Android

Gautam Chibde edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

Warning: This feature is available in version 3.1.0, but it is still in its early stages. Users may encounter bugs and issues while using it.

To customize the colors in the Payment SDK for Android, developers can override specific color resources. Below is a list of available color resources and their default values:

Resource Name Description Default Value
payment_sdk_toolbar_color Toolbar background color #000000
payment_sdk_toolbar_text_color Toolbar text color #FFFFFF
payment_sdk_toolbar_icon_color Toolbar icon color #FFFFFF
payment_sdk_pay_button_background_color Pay button background color #4885ED
payment_sdk_pay_button_text_color Pay button text color #FFFFFF
payment_sdk_progress_loader_color Progress loader color #3A8377
payment_sdk_card_center_color Card gradient center color #232527
payment_sdk_card_center_color Card gradient center color #232527
payment_sdk_card_center_color Card gradient center color #232527
payment_sdk_floating_hint_color Floating hint text color #4885ED

Developers can customize these colors by overriding the corresponding resources in their Android application. To change a color, add the desired color code to your app's resources and use the resource name as indicated above.

For example, to change the toolbar background color, add the following code to your app's resources:

<color name="payment_sdk_toolbar_color" tools:override="true">your_color_code_here</color>

Replace your_color_code_here with the desired color code.

Please ensure that you use valid color codes in the format #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB, where RR, GG, BB, and AA represent the red, green, blue, and alpha components in hexadecimal values.

Customising these colors allows you to tailor the Payment SDK's appearance to match your app's design.

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