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How To Download Experiment Data

mruizolazar edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

How to download experiment data

The downloaded data includes files with the participants information and its diagnoses, general information of the experiment as related study, title and description of the experiment and experiment data and metadata. For each group is created a directory that contains data collected by each participant (e.g., questionnaire responses, clinical diagnoses, electrophysiological data) and metadata about the experimental protocol (e.g., description of the purpose of the experiment, description of the protocol steps, equipments configuration and notes made by scientists). All the raw data and additional files stored in the experiment will be downloaded. A zipped file is created with various types of data format.

To download the experiment data just click on the button located at Experiment detail page, as shown in the image below.

The download can be time consuming, a messages is displayed to warning that the downloaded is being prepared. When the download finished the browser will show zip file is available.

download button

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