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How To See Experiment Detail

mruizolazar edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 17 revisions

Experiment Detail

Through this menu is posible to see all the data stored in a experiment. This page is organized in three main section to display the details of the experiment, as is shown in the image below.

experiment detail

The section 1 shows the following information:

  • the title of the experiment.
  • the description of the experiment.
  • the project info link to project site if it exist.
  • the button to back to home page.

The section 2 shows the following information:

  • Related study link : This link shows information about the study that the experiment belong to. When click this link is displayed a modal window (image below) with the follow information:

    • the title of the study.
    • the description of the study
    • the name of the researcher that is responsible for the study.
    • the dates when the study started and finished.
    • the contributors, that displays information of the researchers that collaborated in the study as name, team and if is coordinator or not.
    • the keywords that were registered and related to the study.

study detail

In the right side of section 2 is shown:

  • the data acquisition state information about the collected data.
  • download button: in the right side is shown the button to do download of all experiment data.

The section 3 is composed by 3 tabs (Statistics, Groups, Settings), as shown in the image below.

statistic image

The statistics tab: it contains two graphics, one to displays the information about genre and another one to displays information about the number of participants by age.

The Groups tab: it shows information related to the groups of participants of the experiment. By each group is displayed a reduced image of the experimental protocol, this image can be expanded in a modal window by click on it. Also is shown the title of group and the number of participants.

In the right side is the button "Details" that shows the textual description of the experimental protocol. The image below shows a screen shot of this tab.

group image

"The settings tab: it shows information about the metadata of the experiment as the title and description of the equipments that were used to collect data, as well as description of its configurations. Each setting has a identification according the data belong, e.g. "EEG Settings", that is shown in a image below.

settings image

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