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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Feb 00:18
· 33707 commits to develop since this release

馃殌 What's new?

@paperclypse - feat(Alerts&AI): Cleaned up an awkward section heading ->
@paperclypse - Merge branch 'develop' into paperclypse-patch-2 ->
@toddwest - Update wording to clarify the impact of adaptive sampling in agents ->
@bradleycamacho - blank commit ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #5910 from newrelic/paperclypse-patch-2 ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Add local images and reformat bullet list ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #5934 from toddwest/patch-1 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #5935 from newrelic/rhs-whats-new-io-image-fix ->