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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 Oct 00:42
· 38267 commits to develop since this release

馃殌 What's new?

@peknudsen - Remove references to apm transactions from mobile http requests pages ->
@peknudsen - fix minor type in readme ->
@paperclypse - fix(Mobile monitoring): Now that there's not an image, converted the caption to a procedure ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(alerts): Replaced old image about signals ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(okta): make more clear about managing user type ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #4186 from newrelic/Fix-Okta-doc-on-starting-as-full-users ->
@infoape - Updated entry title for HIPAA regulatory status ->
@nr-kkenney - chore: update theme version ->
@dbarnesbrownNR - fix(Regulatory audits page): Fixed an incorrect word. ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #4175 from peknudsen/remove-mobile-legacy-cat ->
@halocameo - Updated links ->
@nr-kkenney - Merge pull request #4189 from newrelic/update_theme ->
@TestTr0n - fix: Adds examples ->
@dbarnesbrownNR - Merge pull request #4188 from infoape/patch-1 ->
@dbarnesbrownNR - Merge pull request #4192 from TestTr0n/patch-8 ->
@dbarnesbrownNR - Merge pull request #4191 from halocameo/patch-6 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #4184 from newrelic/rhs-hero-alerts-signal-settings ->