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Scott Sievert edited this page Mar 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

If you visit http://[next-url]:8000/home and follow the link for "Experiment launch" (which points to http://[next-url]:8000/assistant/init) you will see an interface to provide

  • the init.yaml file
  • the ZIP file of targets (more description below)
  • and the AWS Bucket ID, AWS Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key if you want to upload to S3.

That interface looks like

In the ZIP file compress either

  1. Many images.
  2. One CSV file with one target per line.
  3. A JSON object describing the target dictionary.

Do not include folders in this ZIP file. In OS X, this can be done

  • by selecting all files (all images, the CSV file, etc)
  • control-clicking on one file and selecting "Compress [n] items"
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