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Nils Feldhus edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 1 revision

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Adding new datasets

This is an overview how we could integrate other desired dataset into TTM.

1. Get TTM

git clone

2. Setup env

Get into the TTM directory and run these commands:

conda create -n ttm python=3.9
conda activate ttm

Then you should all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install datasets

3. Add needed files

Firstly, put the configure file into folder /configs as /configs/boolq.gin

# The boolq dataset conversation config

# for few shot, e.g., "EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B"
ExplainBot.parsing_model_name = "EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B"

# set skip_prompts to true for quicker startup for finetuned models
# make sure to set to false using few-shot models
ExplainBot.skip_prompts = False

ExplainBot.t5_config = "./parsing/t5/gin_configs/t5-large.gin"
ExplainBot.seed = 0
ExplainBot.background_dataset_file_path = "./data/boolq_train.csv"
ExplainBot.model_file_path = "./data/boolq_model"
ExplainBot.dataset_file_path = "./data/boolq_validation.csv" = "boolq"

ExplainBot.dataset_index_column = "idx"
ExplainBot.target_variable_name = "label"
ExplainBot.categorical_features = None
ExplainBot.numerical_features = None
ExplainBot.remove_underscores = False

ExplainBot.prompt_metric = "cosine"
ExplainBot.prompt_ordering = "ascending"

# Prompt params
Prompts.prompt_cache_size = 1_000_000
Prompts.prompt_cache_location = "./cache/boolq-prompts.pkl"
Prompts.max_values_per_feature = 2
Prompts.sentence_transformer_model_name = "all-mpnet-base-v2"
Prompts.prompt_folder = "./explain/prompts"
Prompts.num_per_knn_prompt_template = 1
Prompts.num_prompt_template = 7

# Explanation Params
Explanation.max_cache_size = 1_000_000

# MegaExplainer Params
MegaExplainer.cache_location = "./cache/boolq-mega-explainer-tabular.pkl"
MegaExplainer.use_selection = False

# Conversation params
Conversation.class_names = {1: "True", 0: "False"}

# Dataset description
DatasetDescription.dataset_objective = "predict to answer yes/no questions based on text passages"
DatasetDescription.dataset_description = "Boolean question answering (yes/no)"
DatasetDescription.model_description = "DistilBERT"

And change the global config files in global_config.gin:

GlobalArgs.config = "./configs/boolq.gin"

Then you should add datasets:

from datasets import load_dataset
val = load_dataset("super_glue", "boolq", split="validation").to_csv('data/boolq_validation.csv')
train = load_dataset("super_glue", "boolq", split="train").to_csv('data/boolq_train.csv')

What's more, you should download the model: And put it under /configs as ./configs/boolq_model.

Adapt original files:

In /explain/,

  • Add load_hf_model()
def load_hf_model(model_id):
    """ Loads a (local) Hugging Face model from a directory containing a pytorch_model.bin file and a config.json file.
    return TransformerModel(model_id)
    # transformers.AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_id)
  • Comment load_explanations:
# Load the explanations
# self.load_explanations(background_dataset=background_dataset)
  • Change else part from load_model():
    model = load_hf_model(filepath)
    self.conversation.add_var('model', model, 'model')

4. Execution

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