OIDC login for wallets owning an nft.
Non fungible tokens are a proof for a digital ownership. This ownership can be used to give access to any digital resource or service.
Todays online services access are mostly based on identities and not the ownership of an access authorisation.
This provider is a bridge between both worlds. The access is given based on the ownership of a nft.
Here is an example app that uses nft login, it's a digital secret santa:
A nft will be created on the ethereum blockchain. The nft will be sold and the ownership will be transfered.
The service has to configure an oidc-client to access nft-login. When the user visits the service, the user has to sign a proov for the owner address of the nft.
If the user could sign the proof, nft-login will return the nft as id in the jwt-token.
Claim | Example |
sub | '0x8f4f7365981a73dd61d5aa74cce4c0f251f67fac' |
name | 'anonymous' |
'no-reply@example.com' | |
email_verified | false |
account | '0x8f4f7365981a73dd61d5aa74cce4c0f251f67fac' |
signature | '0xb37a8dc999eb2dffbd4479e23d3efff079414a6ddb5f97a19d39471afc83c7007951266c4ea734bb43a217b751c3f78913ed011cb27a847ecc72e753194f30131c' |
chain_id | 256 |
node | 'https://http-testnet.hecochain.com' |
contract | '0xa0d4E5CdD89330ef9d0d1071247909882f0562eA' |
Visit https://oidcdebugger.com and use https://nft-login.net/ as authorize uri.
Use as client id the nft contract address 0x420d2a6E87D87992EB01e5BFe762B3F437dBfD85
Connect with an account on kovan.
You must own a nft on https://devpavan04.github.io/cryptoboys-nft-marketplace/#/.
You can find an example, how to use the provider, for javascripts express server.
Chain | Authorize URI | Contract to use as Client ID | Marketplace to get NFT | Faucet | |
Kovan (42) | / or /default/authorize | 0x3B8270447b913d0b935e09d1C2daEc3F5CDD968f | https://devpavan04.github.io/cryptoboys-nft-marketplace/ | https://ethdrop.dev/ | |
OKExChain (65) | /okt/authorize | 0xf0263c1D56A167cDCF72086071f96CbB8a077AE9 | https://nft-login.github.io/nft-login-marketplace/okt/ | https://okexchain-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developers/quick-start.html#get-testnet-token | |
Clover (1023) | /clv/authorize | https://faucet.clovernode.com/ | |||
HECO Testnet (256) | /heco/authorize | 0xa0d4E5CdD89330ef9d0d1071247909882f0562eA | https://nft-login.github.io/nft-login-marketplace/heco/ | https://scan-testnet.hecochain.com/faucet | |
Celo alfajores (44787) | /celo/authorize | 0xBa4e569A5156C00348B89653968c2C294f80E151 | https://nft-login.github.io/nft-login-marketplace/celo/ | https://celo.org/developers/faucet | |
Polygon mumbai (80001) | /polygon/authorize | 0x8866afd737201d9Fcc16438b65f1E3db7A3A5Ddb | https://nft-login.github.io/nft-login-marketplace/polygon/ | https://faucet.polygon.technology/ | |
Metis stardust (588) | /metis/authorize | 0x8866afd737201d9Fcc16438b65f1E3db7A3A5Ddb | https://nft-login.github.io/nft-login-marketplace/metis/ | https://rinkeby-faucet.metis.io/ | |
Meter Testnet (83) | /meter/authorize | 0x14e1a78dE8763D6Ccaf37E7318415E19D8EE4975 | https://market.nft-login.net/ | http://faucet-warringstakes.meter.io/ | |
Theta Testnet (365) | /theta/authorize | 0x8fb36197889f23E76e68E3FD57c6063A21DdE897 | https://market.nft-login.net/ | ||
Avalanche FUJI C-Chain (43113) | /avax/authorize | 0x51320F31d30c56c8107D82b4C67C5EdDfCa88bc2 | https://market.nft-login.net/ | https://faucet.avax-test.network/ | |
Binance Smart Chain (97) | /binance/authorize | 0x886B6781CD7dF75d8440Aba84216b2671AEFf9A4 | https://market.nft-login.net/ | https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart | |
Evmos Testnet (9000) | /evmos/authorize | 0xf141C38096539185efbca485Eb858Bd274a6651c | https://market.nft-login.net/ | https://faucet.evmos.org/ | |
0x14e1a78dE8763D6Ccaf37E7318415E19D8EE4975 |