The project was contributed by Nicha Ruchirawat, Maise Ly and GongTing Peng
Classifiy Yelp reviews as positive / negative and identify most relevant phrases based on the textual content using bags of words, tf-idf, SVM and Regularized Logistic Regression.
The model will be implemented on a YARN cluster of four nodes (three workers and one master). The YARN cluster was set up using AWS EMR, each machine has 8 cores and 15GB memory.
The original dataset is obtained via the Yelp Data Challenge, from which we only used the review json file of 3.82GB. The data is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket before it was imported to the mongoDB on the EC2 instance.
The data was then loaded into Spark and the model was implemented using Spark MLib and Spark SQL.
We loaded the data into Spark via the use of Spark-Mongo-Connector packages. Noted that, we have replaced our master public IP with the local host. The schema of the review collection is very simple, we will only need two features: the text and stars. Further actions will need to incorporate other variables that help to measure the "interestingness" to users such as useful
, or cool
. However, this project focuses solely on the NLP aspect of the data.
# load review raw data
review ="com.mongodb.spark.sql.DefaultSource")\
.option("uri", "mongodb://").load()
|-- _id: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- oid: string (nullable = true)
|-- business_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- cool: integer (nullable = true)
|-- date: string (nullable = true)
|-- funny: integer (nullable = true)
|-- review_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- stars: integer (nullable = true)
|-- text: string (nullable = true)
|-- useful: integer (nullable = true)
|-- user_id: string (nullable = true)
Using SparkSQL, basic data exploratory data analysis could be done. The majority of the reviews focuses on the positive sides -- intuitively, people tend to leave reviews when they feel great about their experience. Contradictory, the number of extremely negative reviews (1 star) also overwhelm the number of neutral reviews (2 or 3 stars).
|stars| count|
| 1| 639849|
| 2| 402396|
| 3| 570819|
| 4|1135830|
| 5|1988003|
The stars are then relabelled so that any reviews with 4 stars or above will be positive, anything else is deemed to be negative. This benchmark is based on a general consensus about Yelp reviews where people tend to overrate restaurants/businesses unless they feel strongly negatively about the place. We also remove punctuations and numbers before tokenizing the text.
# remove punctuation
def remove_punct(text):
regex = re.compile('[' + re.escape(string.punctuation) + '0-9\\r\\t\\n]')
nopunct = regex.sub(" ", text)
return nopunct
# binarize rating
def convert_rating(rating):
rating = int(rating)
if rating >=4: return 1
else: return 0
# udf
punct_remover = udf(lambda x: remove_punct(x))
rating_convert = udf(lambda x: convert_rating(x))
# apply to review raw data
review_df ='review_id', punct_remover('text'), rating_convert('stars'))
review_df = review_df.withColumnRenamed('<lambda>(text)', 'text')\
.withColumn('label', review_df["<lambda>(stars)"].cast(IntegerType()))\
| review_id| text|label|
|DuffS87NaSMDmIflu...|gute lage im stad...| 1|
|JQJvnM3p-3eML05eK...|A hotel that has ...| 1|
|4BPjRE9VI0HhyZzyy...|I had the garlic ...| 0|
|ZrvsD7PSyPolII3gp...|As a vegetarian ...| 1|
|0sRld5Hk0O6JUGKpP...|I love their food...| 1|
only showing top 5 rows
Tokenizing the approach where we split the entire sentences into words and the order of the words will not hold any importance. Stop words such as prepositions or articles ("a", "the") are also removed so that we only keep the more meaningful words in the corpus.
# tokenize
tok = Tokenizer(inputCol="text", outputCol="words")
review_tokenized = tok.transform(review_df)
# remove stop words
stopword_rm = StopWordsRemover(inputCol='words', outputCol='words_nsw')
review_tokenized = stopword_rm.transform(review_tokenized)
| review_id| text|label| words| words_nsw|
|VHURr3NAjUN-H-fKG...|As good as it get...| 1|[as, good, as, it...|[good, gets, , ve...|
|Q9VdYrrQZgYJvl8qB...|This seems be a f...| 1|[this, seems, be,...|[seems, family, o...|
|ZXy_n2QvUgILJgdem...|Well a disappoin...| 0|[well, , a, disap...|[well, , disappoi...|
|7WHaMYEMyn6ljPbJl...|Decided to check ...| 1|[decided, to, che...|[decided, check, ...|
|KVSfrMFCXnSNopuQp...|Traditional Oaxac...| 1|[traditional, oax...|[traditional, oax...|
only showing top 5 rows
We are going attempt two modeling approaches. The first one is to split the model into trigrams (e.g. every three words in a single review will be split together. We will then pick out the trigrams that appear more than 20 times in the corpus, so that we can eliminate any random phrases that only appear once or twice.
These phrases, will be then joined together, using an underscore "_", and be replaced in the original text. The pipeline of Tokenize --> CountVectorizer (BagOfWords) --> TF-IDF --> Model will then be applied using the new texts. This step ensures that we have a well-mixed combinations of unigrams and trigrams in our training data.
So first, we apply the method Ngram
to the tokens and then filtered for those that appear more than 20 times in the entire corpus.
# add ngram column
n = 3
ngram = NGram(inputCol = 'words', outputCol = 'ngram', n = n)
add_ngram = ngram.transform(review_tokenized)
# generate the top frequent ngram
ngrams = add_ngram.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x[-1]).filter(lambda x: len(x.split())==n)
ngram_tally = x: (x, 1))\
.reduceByKey(lambda x,y: x+y)\
.sortBy(lambda x: x[1], ascending=False)\
.filter(lambda x: x[1]>=20)
ngram_list = x: x[0]).collect()
Then replace them with the original text before applying the tokenize
method again. So every trigrams we selected will be a single token in the training data. Using CountVectorizer
, we compute the frequencies of all the tokens and use IDF
to compute
# replace the word with selected ngram
def ngram_concat(text):
text1 = text.lower()
for ngram in ngram_list:
return text1.replace(ngram, ngram.replace(' ', '_'))
ngram_df = udf(lambda x: ngram_concat(x))
ngram_df ='text'), 'label')\
.withColumnRenamed('<lambda>(text)', 'text')
# tokenize and remove stop words with ngram
tok = Tokenizer(inputCol="text", outputCol="words")
review_tokenized = tok.transform(review_df)
tokenized_ngram = tok.transform(ngram_df)
tokenized_ngram = stopword_rm.transform(tokenized_ngram)
stopword_rm = StopWordsRemover(inputCol='words', outputCol='words_nsw')
review_tokenized = stopword_rm.transform(review_tokenized)
# count vectorizer and tfidf
cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol='words_nsw', outputCol='tf')
cvModel =
count_vectorized = cvModel.transform(review_tokenized)
tfidfModel =
tfidf_df = tfidfModel.transform(count_vectorized)
With a train-test split ratio of 80:20 we then run 50 iterations of Support Vector Machine (SVM) model on the training data. The parallel computing of the Spark has surely speed up the entire process. On a local computer, we were only able to process up to 1,000 rows before getting hungry for the next meal while running the same model with millions of rows, it became a matter of minutes.
# split into training and testing set
splits =['tfidf', 'label']).randomSplit([0.8,0.2],seed=100)
train = splits[0].cache()
test = splits[1].cache()
# SVM model
numIterations = 50
regParam = 0.3
svm = SVMWithSGD.train(train_lb, numIterations, regParam=regParam)
test_lb = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], MLLibVectors.fromML(row[0])))
scoreAndLabels_test = x: (float(svm.predict(x.features)), x.label))
score_label_test = spark.createDataFrame(scoreAndLabels_test, ["prediction", "label"])
# F1 score
f1_eval = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(labelCol="label", predictionCol="prediction", metricName="f1")
svm_f1 = f1_eval.evaluate(score_label_test)
print("F1 score: %.4f" % svm_f1)
Given an imbalanced dataset, it is important know which classification metrics we are going to optimize. Accuracy will not be able to tell the entire story, while F1 -- as a weighted average of precision and recall -- could reveal how well the model performs in identifying both the predictions relevancy and % of truly relevant results are correctly predicted. Herein, the model returns an F1 score of 87.32%
F1 score: 0.8732
Using the same training data, we instead applied a regularized logistic regression. SVM focuses on finding the separating plane that maximizes the distance of the closest points to the margin, whereas Logistic Regression maximizing the probability of the data (i.e. the further it lies away from the hyperplane the better).^[1]
In addition to a normal logistic regression, we used a linear combination of L1 and L2 regularization, i.e. Elastic Net, to prevent the model from overfitting. Since LASSO (L1) tend to select only one significant coefficients the other, EN adds in the penalty from Ridge Regression (L2) that helps to overcome the disadvantages.
from import LogisticRegression
# Elastic Net Logit
lambda_par = 0.02
alpha_par = 0.3
lr = LogisticRegression().\
lrModel =
lr_pred = lrModel.transform(test)
f1_eval = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(labelCol="label", predictionCol="prediction", metricName="f1")
lr_f1 = f1_eval.evaluate(lr_pred)
print("F1 score: %.4f" % lr_f1)
The F1 score for the logistic regresison model is lower than the SVM model: 84.21%
F1 score: 0.8421
The second modeling approach that we tried is: Instead of selecting the trigrams based on their frequencies, we used their coefficients from a SVM model as a benchmark instead. So first, we also split the original texts into trigrams or groups of three words like before.
# add ngram column
n = 3
ngram = NGram(inputCol = 'words', outputCol = 'ngram', n = n)
add_ngram = ngram.transform(review_tokenized)
| review_id| text|label| words| words_nsw| ngram|
|DuffS87NaSMDmIflu...|gute lage im stad...| 1|[gute, lage, im, ...|[gute, lage, im, ...|[gute lage im, la...|
|JQJvnM3p-3eML05eK...|A hotel that has ...| 1|[a, hotel, that, ...|[hotel, basics, d...|[a hotel that, ho...|
|4BPjRE9VI0HhyZzyy...|I had the garlic ...| 0|[i, had, the, gar...|[garlic, ginger, ...|[i had the, had t...|
|ZrvsD7PSyPolII3gp...|As a vegetarian ...| 1|[as, a, vegetaria...|[vegetarian, , di...|[as a vegetarian,...|
|0sRld5Hk0O6JUGKpP...|I love their food...| 1|[i, love, their, ...|[love, food, , go...|[i love their, lo...|
only showing top 5 rows
Then we applied Bags of Words, TF-IDF and fit a SVM model on the data that only contain trigrams from the review texts.
# count vectorizer and tfidf
cv_ngram = CountVectorizer(inputCol='ngram', outputCol='tf_ngram')
cvModel_ngram =
cv_df_ngram = cvModel_ngram.transform(add_ngram)
# split into training and testing set
idf_ngram = IDF().setInputCol('tf_ngram').setOutputCol('tfidf_ngram')
tfidfModel_ngram =
tfidf_df_ngram = tfidfModel_ngram.transform(cv_df_ngram)
# split into training & testing set
splits_ngram =['tfidf_ngram', 'label']).randomSplit([0.8,0.2],seed=100)
train_ngram = splits_ngram[0].cache()
test_ngram = splits_ngram[1].cache()
# convert to LabeledPoint vectors
train_lb_ngram = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], MLLibVectors.fromML(row[0])))
test_lb_ngram = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], MLLibVectors.fromML(row[0])))
# fit SVM model of trigrams
numIterations = 50
regParam = 0.3
svm = SVMWithSGD.train(train_lb_ngram, numIterations, regParam=regParam)
Afterwards, we extracted the top 20 trigrams based on their weights from the models -- which could be interpreted as how much the trigrams contributed to the negativity or positivity of a review sentiment.
import numpy as np
top_ngram = svm_coeffs_df_ngram.sort_values('weight')['ngram'].values[:20]
bottom_ngram = svm_coeffs_df_ngram.sort_values('weight', ascending=False)['ngram'].values[:20]
ngram_list = list(top_ngram) + list(bottom_ngram)
And similar to the approach #1 above, we replaced the original text reviews with these trigrams so that when tokenizing the text, these phrases stay together as a single token.
# replace the word with selected ngram
def ngram_concat(text):
text1 = text.lower()
for ngram in ngram_list:
if ngram in text1:
new_ngram = ngram.replace(' ', '_')
text1 = text1.replace(ngram, new_ngram)
return text1
ngram_df = udf(lambda x: ngram_concat(x))
ngram_df ='text'), 'label')\
.withColumnRenamed('<lambda>(text)', 'text')
Below are two examples of how the review text looks like after we have joined the words of the trigrams together and put them back to the original text.
ngram_df.filter(ngram_df['text'].contains('great_service_')).select('text').limit(1) x: x).collect()
[Row(text=u'great_service_and the drinks are always good food is pretty good and you get a large amount for the cost the booze is a little more than most but they do taste good ')]
ngram_df.filter(ngram_df['text'].contains('i_will_never')).select('text').limit(1) x: x).collect()
[Row(text=u'josephine is very unprofessional she had no customer service josephine i did not choose your job you did if your not happy at your job change it you cannot yell at customers and expect them to come back i have been a loyal customer from the day you opened i_will_never go back ')]
The same pipeline is implemented on the new training data. We could see that the F1 score has improved from 87.32% to 87.97%.
# tokenize and remove stop words with ngram
tokenized_ngram = tok.transform(ngram_df)
tokenized_ngram = stopword_rm.transform(tokenized_ngram)
# count vectorizer and tfidf
cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol='words_nsw', outputCol='tf')
cvModel =
count_vectorized = cvModel.transform(tokenized_ngram)
idf = IDF().setInputCol('tf').setOutputCol('tfidf')
tfidfModel =
tfidf_df = tfidfModel.transform(count_vectorized)
# convert to LabeledPoint vectors
train_lb = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], MLLibVectors.fromML(row[0])))
test_lb = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], MLLibVectors.fromML(row[0])))
# SVM with trigrams & unigrams
numIterations = 50
regParam = 0.3
svm = SVMWithSGD.train(train_lb, numIterations, regParam=regParam)
# predict
test_lb = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], MLLibVectors.fromML(row[0])))
scoreAndLabels_test = x: (float(svm.predict(x.features)), x.label))
score_label_test = spark.createDataFrame(scoreAndLabels_test, ["prediction", "label"])
# F1 score
f1_eval = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(labelCol="label", predictionCol="prediction", metricName="f1")
svm_f1 = f1_eval.evaluate(score_label_test)
print("F1 score: %.4f" % svm_f1)
F1 score: 0.8797
Below is the summarized result of all the models, as we can see the SVM model that used unigram and top 40 trigrams from another SVM model is the best model based on the F1 score.
We also created two wordclouds that represent the most positive and negative phrases' coefficients from the model:
We can see here that the terms that are most positive include ‘friendly staff’, ‘delicious’, ‘great customer service’, ‘great food’. This indicates that the important features for customer’s satisfaction is staff, food taste, and service.
The terms that are most negative include ‘minutes’, ‘over priced’, ‘bland’, ‘food was ok’, ‘nothing special’. This suggests that negative reviews are driven by long wait times, overpriced food, bad food taste, an experience that isn’t deemed as anything special.
vocabulary_ngram = cvModel.vocabulary
weights_ngram = svm.weights.toArray()
svm_coeffs_df_ngram = pd.DataFrame({'ngram': vocabulary_ngram, 'weight': weights_ngram})
ngram weight
524 was ok -0.043657
18 minutes -0.043193
594 i will never -0.039466
1494 at best -0.038995
222 won t be -0.038838
912 i will not -0.038181
1642 not worth the -0.037480
68 however -0.037406
543 ok -0.036098
461 will not be -0.035797
123 at all -0.034942
725 do not -0.033639
375 i guess -0.033154
1753 t be back -0.032278
289 good but -0.032196
814 i would not -0.031091
1308 nothing special -0.031085
778 used to be -0.030744
496 i won t -0.029806
73 not -0.029279
2255 would not recommend -0.029190
svm_coeffs_df_ngram.sort_values('weight', ascending=False).head(20)
ngram weight
164 thank you 0.072480
146 great 0.062783
243 is the best 0.056320
179 love this place 0.055790
67 i love 0.054784
139 of the best 0.054027
599 highly recommend 0.053929
212 i highly recommend 0.050424
241 will be back 0.050356
101 was great 0.047650
420 great service 0.047216
182 amazing 0.046947
319 is amazing 0.046370
269 was amazing 0.044985
163 delicious 0.044257
545 great food 0.043697
37 they have 0.042843
251 i highly 0.042617
264 will definitely be 0.042387
199 is great 0.041532
789 love the 0.041074